Who's using .NET "Core"? (As well as a bit of an introduction...)


Jan 19, 2024
Fort Worth, Texas
Programming Experience
I'm interested in engaging with others that are developing on .NET (formally known as "Core" and now simply as .NET 5+)... so who else here is actively doing any development on this platform? What kind of development? Are you interested in the cross-platform opportunities/capabilities or are there other reasons?

I'll start...

A lot of what I do is typically Windows Forms type projects that are .NET 7 / .NET 8 and heavily leverage the UI components from DevExpress as well as other various libraries / nuget packages.

With the "professional" work out of the way, let's move on to my pet/personal projects...

In order to better facilitate cross-platform development where I'm not *restricted* by what is in the VB runtime; I maintain the Community.VisualBasic alternative runtime (a "fork" of the Microsoft.VisualBasic runtime, available on GitHub). I've been working on a not complicated "can I just simply draw some pixels to the screen" approach to cross-platform development and this is taking shape as the vbPixelGameEngine (which is heavily inspired by the olc : : PixelGameEngine written in C/C++). I also have a few other open-source projects that I maintain/contribute to on GitHub; you can check these out at DualBrain - Overview

I'm certainly interested in collaborating, contributing and accepting contributions on VB-related open-source projects.
My personal tools are upgraded to .Net 7, haven't got around to update to .Net 8, I'm guessing that is quickly done.
I also have a .Net Framework windows service and a .Net Standard library in otherwise .Net 7 solution, since the .Net Worker service is not available to VB. I may rewrite the service in C# perhaps.

Programming is not my profession, but I have written some tools for office work that is still .Net Framework, there's no hurry to upgrade them and I have no time to do it. Also have a couple of VSTOs that must be .Net Framework.
We still maintain a number of .NET Framework applications but we do mostly ASP.NET MVC apps and all new work is .NET Core. We're in the process of releasing a .NET 6 app. We were a fair way into development when .NET 7 became viable but, given that we'd have to upgrade to .NET 8 anyway, we chose to skip 7. .NET 8 was released too close to the scheduled release date so we've stuck with 6 for now and will upgrade to 8 in about 6 months or so.
My personal tools are upgraded to .Net 7, haven't got around to update to .Net 8, I'm guessing that is quickly done.
I also have a .Net Framework windows service and a .Net Standard library in otherwise .Net 7 solution, since the .Net Worker service is not available to VB. I may rewrite the service in C# perhaps.

Eeekkk... convert to C#?

Seeing this (combined with another recent conversation I had with some other VB contributors), I've spun up a new resource for us VB'ers.

The eventual goal is to have these published as more easily installable `dotnet new` entries; but for now you can copy the code for `Worker Service` directly under:

(You don't need the `.template.config` folder unless you plan on installing the template manually.)

To actually install the template manually, you can get a clone the repo locally, change to the `/src/vbworker` folder and type `dotnet new install .\`. This will provide you with the `vbworker` project type. ;-)

(Full disclosure... I've done minimal testing on this and haven't really had a need to work with `Worker Service` thus far; with that said, I'm happy to work through the template issues if you happen to find any issue.)

Hope this helps.

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