microsoft access database engine 64 and 32 install window 10

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New member
Apr 25, 2024
Programming Experience
I try to install download ms Access Database engine 32 , cmd prompt>cd C:Users\MMM\Drivers
C:Users\MMM\Drivers > AccessDatabaseEngine.exe \ queit

error message
Microsoft Access database Engine 2016

/extract:path,extracts the content of the package to the path folder
/log[:path to log file],enable verbose logging for the update intallation
/lang:lcid,setsthe user interfaceto the speified locale when multiple
locales are available within the package
/quiet run the update without ny interactionfrom the user
/passive runs the update without any imteraction fromthe user
/norestart,prevents prompting of user when reboot of mechine isneeded
/forcerestart ,forced re start of mechine once update is complete
/?,shows this help message

can help somebody
This particular forum is for questions regarding installation of Visual Studio. Installing Access drivers is not specifically relevant, so I'm going to close this thread. I will offer a little help though.

Based on what you posted, it appears that you have misspelled "quiet". The message you were given even shows that. It's not an error message. It's showing you the valid commandline switches because you haven't provided one. It is specifically telling you that "/quiet" is a valid switch and you have provided "\ queit". Not really the same thing, is it? This is not something you should need help with. All you had to do was read what was in front of you.
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