
  1. A

    Question checking and merging '.pdf'-files with itextsharp

    With a vb.net tool I'm collecting emails (as file) and their attachments from outlook. The files are, as far as they are not ".pdf"-files, converted to ".pdf"-files and afterwards merged to one whole ".pdf"-file. Therefore I'm using itextsharp. My codes works basically, but far from perfect. The...
  2. T

    Question Format usb Drive

    I want to format a usb drive. I know its not a good idea to format in code and all that. But i need to minimize the risk of a virus. When a usb is inserted it picks it up and formats. I have tried with this code, but it keeps telling me drive not found. And i know the drive exists. Dim...
  3. T

    Question Saving Textboxes to memory

    I have a set of Labels that indicate a instrument number. These labels can be changed at the top in sets of 10. 10-20,20-30 etc Next to the labels are textboxes, i get readings from serialport, when you click on a textbox the reading gets stored in that textbox. When the user is finished with...
  4. M

    Question Checkbox's event is acting strange

    Hi, Well, By saying it's acting strange I meant: I have 2 simple checkboxes cDeprecated and cOnHold. cOnHold cannot be set True if cDeprecated already are True. WHAT part is working great on all events (click, keypress and etc.). However the problem starts, when I try to check cOnHold to be...
  5. N

    how to ignore the opening script tag and closing script tag

    Hello, I would like to ask for help in writing a small check for a string that contains html tags and can contains also JavaScript tags. I want to be able to check the string and skip any content that is within the <script></script> I am stripping the html from extra spaces, tabs and line...
  6. C

    Background update

    i'm working on some sort of inventory program. It's very simple but i'm having some problems. It actually has 3 parts. 1.service that will be installed on all workstations that is set to run every few hours. This service starts an exe stored on the workstation. 2.This exe checks if there are...
  7. M

    Message from webpage automation. Sendkey = NO! API?

    Hey guys. I'm new to this forum. I'm desperate. I am a beginner with programming so please bear with me. I do have basic knowledge... I think! Lol. I am writing a program to make my job easier. Basically, every morning I have to delete 14,000 - 15,000 records from an internal website that we...
  8. fugio

    Question summation in datagridview

    I created a datagridview and Added number of rows from 1 to 7 summation to results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 => results 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 (1+2=3; 3+3=6; 6+4=10; 10+5=15; 15+6=21; 21+7=28) write simple way DataGridView1.RowCount = 9 For i As Integer = 1 To 7...
  9. V

    XNA Tutorials

    Hello! Could anyone possibly link me to a good XNA Tutorial in vb.net? I looked up "vb.net xna tutorials" but all I could find was outdated or not-continued tutorials.... I have also looked at some amazon books but couldn't find any.. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated...
  10. A

    Question how to use of spy++ (64bit) and vb.net to link other application window\textbox\

    Hello every one. i am using spy++(64 bit) to find window handle, class etc..etc. lets say i have user form name: Form1 in this there is a text box name: TextBox1 and one button name: Button1 now i have one other application and spy result is as follow (refer attachments) window handle: 00070766...
  11. S

    Question 2d scrolling game, bullet class

    Hi, I am making a 2d side scrolling game and the basic idea is that you are flying arround with your character and at the ground there are enemies shooting bullets to the top of the form. I made a class that makes the bullets from a picturebox. This is how the class looks like: Public class...
  12. M

    Global hotkey only works with certain keys?

    Hi guys, I'm using VS 2010. I'm trying to make global hot key to bring up a little form for me which can help me do various functions faster. Such as, open a certain web page, program, etc.... So the hot key I want is Left Control + Windows. Even when the form is minimized or hidden. With...
  13. mond007

    Insert Smiley/Emotions into RichTextBox using WordPad Style Editor

    Hi I am looking to create a Panel of Emotions/Smileys so that when cliked they insert a Smiley into my RichTextbox. I am looking for pointers as tis must have been some elsewhere. Such as MCT Program opens July 14th, 2014 to new applications - Certified Trainers (MCT) - General Info Only -...
  14. mond007

    Refreshing XML data when returning from (Adding Data) in Form2 back to Display Form1

    Hi I have a simple database of 150 questions whereby Form1 is an Enquiry Screen where a QuestionNo is entered and the answer and its attributes are returned from an XML File for Display. The XML File layout is as follows : QuestionNo (e.g. 2.7) Question Text...
  15. S

    Question Notify Icon Balloon Tip To Other Windows User

    I am making a User to User chat system. We have a server that a fair few users access remotely from different sites. Because everyone's on the one PC with the same IP I made my program read and write to text files to store the chat logs and receive the messages. (Timer to read text file) So...
  16. PiperMp3

    Question Initiate external program via List Box?

    So I'm writing this program, that allow you to list files from a folder on your own using Open Filedialog. As of now the program can find .bin and .exe files. I do also have a code making the program able to label each Extension with a color. But, I would like the user (either me, or who ever)...
  17. sdglhm

    Question Fingerprint identity validation program

    Hi, I'm doing a higher national diploma in ICBT kandy. They have given our group an assignment on Fingerprint identification validation program. Program scopes are as follows, To be able to store finger print data in a mySQL database To retrieve data from the database when a fingerprint...
  18. C

    Question i want to get an excel database from a webpage

    The webpage from where i need to retrieve the excel database is: Consulta de Estructura de Informaci?n The checkbox i need to get marked is the one named "Tasa de Rendimiento 3/" that depends on the tree list "CETES a 28 d?as": <input name="series" style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 10px;"...
  19. K

    Question Crystal report field shrink/grow

    I am creating crystal report from Visual Studio 2008 (VB.net). i have 2 fields in database (access).I added that objectfields in Crystal report one by one. I have added label for each fields as well. My main concern is : My object fields length, some times it will be less than 50 characters...
  20. G

    How would I reference a process that is already started?

    I have an application I am working on where I would like to take all of the items of my list box and pass them into a URL and launch it in internet explorer. I have it all working except one small detail. Everytime I run my code it opens a new window instead of a new tab in internet explorer...