
  1. M

    Question Get Network SSID name and Default Gateway IP ?

    So, I am creating a simple application in vb.net and was wondering on how I would get the code for current connected SSID name and the code for Default Gateway IP. Using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. Oh and By the way, I need the output on a TEXT BOX not a Message Box. Milan
  2. N

    my detailsview is going to the default value when insert event is cancelled

    my details view is linked to the selected value of a drop down list. it all works fine, but when the details view enters insert mode, one of the things that happen in the code behind is clearing the drop down values. If dvRecipeItem.CurrentMode = DetailsViewMode.Insert Then...
  3. D

    Question Download FTP folder recursively (in order to download sub-folders)

    Hello everyone. I humbly seek your help on downloading an entire folder and sub-directories from FTP. I have snippet that helps download a single file or folder but not sub-directories of the folder. It uses the FTP-Client DLL. Can anyone kindly review this snippet and add-up the code for...
  4. A

    Question yet another null refrenced exception!

    I know its been asked numerous of times about threading and null.reference.exception and what not and i have read every each of solutions provided, but i still couldn't figuring it out some of those nasty exceptions. i just started coding in .net and i have no clue whats wrong with my code. as...
  5. S

    Document Database

    Hi folks I am a total noob to this and am hoping I wont be too much of an annoyance! I'm looking to write a program in either VB.Net or C# that is basically a document library. The idea is to have a general location of about 300 documents which could relate to one or a handful of products we...
  6. C

    Download Text File And Keep Strings?

    Hi im trying to download a text file which has multiple lines but this happens: Text file hi line1 hi line2 But when i download it looks like this hi line1hi line2 i tried using & vbcrlf but it didnt work here is my code: On Error Resume Next System.IO.File.Delete("viruslist.txt")...
  7. C

    starting Mpress process

    Hi tim trying this code: Process.Start(Application.StartupPath & "\mpress.exe", Application.StartupPath & "\encrypted.exe") in order to use mpress u have to execute a program with it physically u just drag it to mpress.exe but i want to do it in vb.net its not working please help me.
  8. K

    Question search in Datagridview using TextBox - without using Database Connectivity

    I need your assistance to filter the values in Datagrid by using text box. Whenever the I type the value in Text-box, it filters the values in data grid without using any database connectivity. I got the below coding but it is not working and it is not filtering anything. Please provide me the...
  9. liey87

    Question treat USB as RS232

    I have a hardware with USB for communicate between computer to hardware. The vendor not giving any APIs to connect to the device. They give me a protocol. But the protocol is serve for RS232 mode. I ask the vendor whether this protocol can be apply to the USB, they said 'YES'.. So, I'm...
  10. liey87

    Question pass value to AS3?

    Hi all, Is there any link for tutorial on developing VB.NET to Flash using AS3? In VB.NET, I send the value by SetVariable and how do I retrieve it in flash using AS3? I see AS2 and AS3 is using differ AS. I'm confusing right now. Not very experience in AS and only have some old program using...
  11. liey87

    Question FTP Downloaded file corrupt

    I want to download all file that located on FTP site. I break into 2 operations. First is to get the list of all files in the directory. Then I proceed to second which download each file. But unfortunately, the downloaded file is corrupt. Worst over, it affect the file on FTP folder. Both...
  12. K

    Question relay data to and from Asp.Net Web Server?

    I have knowledge in vb.net but not in asp.net. I have a udp client in vb.net thaat sends messages from computer to computer on the same IP (in school) but i want to send and retrieve it from a web server. I want to know if this is possible to do and if anybody has any tips or tuts. Or if...
  13. S

    Question Problem creating a new picturebox..

    Public Sub NewPic(ByVal LocX As Integer, ByVal LocY As Integer, ByVal Layer As Integer, ByVal LoadPicture As String, ByVal ImgHeight As Integer, ByVal ImgWidth As Integer, ByVal Initvis As Boolean) BG(Layer).Location = New Drawing.Point(LocX, LocY) BG(Layer).Image =...
  14. D

    Question Drawing rectangle on picturebox - how to limit area of rectangle?

    I have been trying to calculate the right side of my rectangle so that it avoids mouse going over a specific area within a picture box. This works fine when zoom factor is 1, after zoom is increased right side becomes smaller than the Picturebox's width hence I can not move the mouse over the...
  15. E

    how to update the dataset of the parent form from child form

    good day friends :D., i have a parent form with datagridview filled with datas from my dataset., and a child form namely add_data... now whenever i want to add a new data to my parent form(datagridview) i use the child form(add data form), i entered datas accordingly and it saves perfectly...
  16. P

    Question Get Data from another Form

    As shown on the picture below, how can I get the item name in form 2 automatically as I choose the Item ID in form 2? The Item ID and Item Name store in Form 1 database.
  17. E

    How to decrease loading time of table adapters using WAN

    ok i have a Windows Forms program that loads 4000+ records each time i login to it...and it takes about 10 secs to show my main form...with those data's.... is there a way to decrease its loading time?5 seconds will be ok... by the way im using Wide Area Network for the deployment of this...
  18. V

    Question Displaying Results from Comparing texts from 2 forms

    Hi good day guys i would just like to seek some help regarding my problem here in VB.NET. I have this program that if the text in the textbox is equal to the text in the label of the previous form it will add 1 for each correct answer but instead it always shows zero (0) (last form) and not...
  19. I

    Question make a own scrollbar with a limit

    Hi guys, I would like to make a scrollbar with limit stops at the top and bottom, but it does work but then stops me picturebox complete and does nothing and is no longer down! Who can help me please? Sincerely, dylan CODE: Public Class Form1 Dim startx As Integer Dim starty As...
  20. G

    Question Swapping Cell comments with cell values error

    Hi guys, my first post here. I need your help. i am getting this "Member not Found" error everytime the loop sees an empty cell.. What am I missing? Thanks! Private Sub SwitchCommentButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles...