I need your help. I'm trying to publish my application using the Publish tab from the Solution Explorer > Properties.. It produced the exe file and everything, and when i tried to install it in another PC, the error shows:
The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' threw an exception.
I was wondering how i could include in the Publish all the necessary files for the Crystal Report? So that if I install it in another PC, only my Setup.exe is needed and no other external installation will be needed.
Thank you!
Application was developed using
Visual Studio 2005 and .Net 2.0 Framework
I need your help. I'm trying to publish my application using the Publish tab from the Solution Explorer > Properties.. It produced the exe file and everything, and when i tried to install it in another PC, the error shows:
The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' threw an exception.
I was wondering how i could include in the Publish all the necessary files for the Crystal Report? So that if I install it in another PC, only my Setup.exe is needed and no other external installation will be needed.
Thank you!
Application was developed using
Visual Studio 2005 and .Net 2.0 Framework