need help with template based word report


New member
Jun 6, 2005
Programming Experience
I have a single page template, say it's for an employee ID, and my database has 5 records. My goal is to print off the employee ID's, and have a word document with 5 pages. Each page will be based on a template. (VB.Net by the way)

I have the template created, and have bookmarks setup to locate the text insertion points. I can create the first page very easily; goto bookmark, insert text, repeat. Although, I'm stuck now that I want to create the second page.

Ideally, I would like to insert a new page based on my template. I can't create everything on the fly, as that will make using a template pointless.

Well, I found one solution, although a bit crummy.. I have to create a new page as a new document based on each template, with all the temp pages created, and then create a master document and insert the other documents in. An embarassing approach - as I know there is a more elegant, and faster, approach.

So, problem solved - although improved welcomed and encouraged :)
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