Answered Making a My.Settings bit of text bold


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
Programming Experience
I'm using My.Settings to store some text information which will be displayed to the user under certain conditions. What I'd like to know is whether part of the text (not all of it) can be formatted in bold?

The reason I'm storing in My.Settings is because it can be customized but not to the extent where I need to store it in a database.

And while I'm at it, is it possible to format parts of MessageBox text and labels in bold, or is this an all or not at all situation i.e. changing the font property?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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If you're displaying mixed formatted text you're using RichTextBox, and can store the Rtf string rather than the plain Text string.

MessageBox, no, plain text only. Create your own "MessageBox" form with a RichTextBox to display formatted text (ReadOnly).