I wanna perform a function like this. When you save a record, I need the primary key of that record to be auto-generated (X001). Say, when you create a new record and save it, it should be saved like X002 automatically.
So to test this before I implement that on this project I'm working on, I created this little program.
All its supposed to do is, when you click on the OK button it shows a code that is fetched from a database table. (X001). Then when you click on it ober and over again. The number should increase. X002, X003, X004... so on.
Here's my code
But when I run it, it throws this conversion error.
I know its pretty straight forward so I tried to correct it with what I know but it wasn't successful so I searched the net for solutions. And tried some of them.
But nothing worked.
I'd be very grateful if someone would help me with this. I know this is be very simple but forgive me since I'm new to VB.NET.
Thanks very much.
So to test this before I implement that on this project I'm working on, I created this little program.
All its supposed to do is, when you click on the OK button it shows a code that is fetched from a database table. (X001). Then when you click on it ober and over again. The number should increase. X002, X003, X004... so on.
Here's my code
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click
Dim strcon As String
Dim SQLcon As SqlClient.SqlConnection
strcon = "data source=winux; initial catalog=temperory; integrated security=SSPI; persist security info=false"
SQLcon = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strcon)
Dim strsql As String
Dim com As SqlClient.SqlCommand
strsql = "select CONVERT(nchar, MAX(code)) as [autocode] from CodeAutoGen where form_id = '05'"
com = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strsql, SQLcon)
Dim myReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
myReader = com.ExecuteReader
com.Connection = SQLcon
com.CommandText = strsql
If myReader.Read Then
txtNo.Text = myReader("code").ToString
End If
'txtNo.Text = CDbl(txtNo.Text)
'txtNo.Text = (txtNo.Text) + 1
End Sub
End Class
But when I run it, it throws this conversion error.
I know its pretty straight forward so I tried to correct it with what I know but it wasn't successful so I searched the net for solutions. And tried some of them.
But nothing worked.
I'd be very grateful if someone would help me with this. I know this is be very simple but forgive me since I'm new to VB.NET.
Thanks very much.