Question ChatBox


New member
Oct 18, 2010
Programming Experience
Hello there, i dont know if this is the right place to post this thread so.... :(

Ok my real problem is that i want to make a chatbox in VB.NET 2008 (Framework 3.5) which should over a LAN network. And i dont have any clue how to make it :confused: coz I'm a newbie to So if anyone has any idea about it please tell me about it. then please let me know.

Thanks :)
The first step would be setting up the communication channel, for which you would most likely use the TcpListener and TcpClient classes. Once you've made a TCP connection between client and server you can send binary data between them. It's completely up to you what that binary data represents. You just have to design a protocol such that the client and server can always unambiguously interpret it.

For an example of a client/server chat application that uses TCP asynchronously (i.e. doesn't block the UI thread), check this out:

[VB2008/.NET 3.5] Asynchronous TcpListener & TcpClient
@ jmcilhinney
Thanks sir/ma'am ... this works.. : )

Hey even i have a forum which helps with all the issues of IT
If you have time then please take a vist @ and give any suggestions if possible
thank you :)