Question Application won't start


Oct 17, 2010
Stavanger, Norway
Programming Experience
Good evening people..

I made a percent to grade converter for my university, and it works like a charm!
When i try to start it on campus from one of the stationary computers it wont start. when i click the exe file the wait cursor shows for a second and then returns to normal and nothing happens. There is no error message or any thing else.

I made this on my win7 computer with VB2008, and it works on my computer as well as on my wife's computer which is a vista laptop. It also work on my notebook that has w7 starter on it.
The computers on campus are XP machines with non-admin access. And i am sure i made my software a non restricted one.

So could the cause here be that the application does not like XP systems? if so, any ideas on how i "downgrade" my software?
(I am a scientist in biology/virology so i have little/small experience with programming, it's just on newbie/hobby level.. atm.)

I really need some help on this, because im stuck!..
Many thanks for any help i receive!

According to your profile, your app requires .NET 3.5. Does this XP machine have .NET 3.5 installed?

Have you included any exception handlers that simply swallow exceptions without consideration?

If those aren't the issue then you may need to add some tracing to your app, so it notifies you somehow at milestones. You can then narrow down where the issue is occurring and concentrate on small and smaller windows of code.
hmm good question.. haven't thought about that.. I'll check when i get to the university tomorrow..
Got to try it on an administrator account today, but that did not do the trick. So i guess a non-admin account is not causing the problem here, but i'll check the framework 3.5 solution. Thanks again!
Okay.. update!
The XP machines have framework 3.5, and just of curiosity i made a simple form with an exit button. This works on those machines, so i start to wonder if it may be something in the code or application settings. I did notice that the test application i made had a manifest in it. The other one that i want working doesn't.. what's the purpose of having this? (just wondering)
Could you try to explain the exception handlers that you where mentioning earlier?
Thanks again..
Okay, didn't find a solution of this, so i just copy the code into a new form and saved. This did the trick. I have no idea what the difference was, but it works now

Thanks for any help i got..

This is solved now!

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