
  1. N

    Question Read Time & Seconds From JSON file and Send Mail

    Hi, I a going to develop a new VB.net Windows service which will continuously run and read data from JSOn File and send mail. JSON file contains 2 array with Different time [Below is the Sample JSON]. NextRuntime parameter is when the particular section of JSON file to be Execute at defined...
  2. Runescope

    Resolved Pick from DataGridView ComboBox with Pre-Filled Collection

    So I have a DataGridView control, it has a few columns, one column is a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. I have pre-filled it through it's own Items collection with the numbers 0 to 9. I want to pick one of the numbers as a default when the program loads, how do I select it's index? Here's the...
  3. S

    Question Listview TopItem Alternatives with Groups

    Hi all, In a function called up the PageUP and PageDown keys, in the presence of a grouping, I need to scroll the items of a listview positioning the first item of the group as the first element of the listview. I saw that the "TopItem" property works only in the absence of groups. I tried this...
  4. J

    Question selenium webdriver run only one instance

    i want to access Form1 class Selenium from another class but problem here is whenever access to Form1 selenium another instance execute. i only want to use only one instance . anyone enlighten me much appreciate Public Class Form1 Public service As ChromeDriverService =...
  5. K

    Error printing of RDLC Report

    I'm using the RDLC report in VB.Net 2015. In report design -> Report properties, I set Paper size = A4, Width = 21cm, Height = 29.7cm, Top = Left = Right = Bottom = 2cm. In Body Properties, I set Width = 17cm (= 21 - 2 - 2) and place the controls in the design area. However, when the...
  6. A

    Question How to skip/ignore or bypass empty Text boxes while calculating ?

    i am developing a simple marks grading system using vb.net in visual studio 2013. my code is this. Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox1.Text >= 0 And TextBox1.Text = 51 And TextBox1.Text = 0 And TextBox2.Text = 51 And TextBox2.Text...
  7. Herry Markowitz

    How to prevent a TabItem from being selected?

    There is no TabControl.Selecting Event in the WPF while there is in the Winform as you can see following. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/lib...v=vs.110).aspx I have found following source in order to prevent a TabItem from being selected. https://joshsmithonwpf.wordpress.com...eing-selected/...
  8. D

    Question What does no value given for one or more required parameters mean? How to fix?

    Hi all, I'm making a program in which the user can update a table of their choice from a list box. When an item in the listbox is selected, it shows the MS-Access database in the DataGridView. When a user selects a cell in the DataGridView, it will show the ID, the field name and the actual data...
  9. T

    Question WebClient Proxy Issue...

    I have been working on a small application that can crawl Google to show some of the search engine results pages and the WebClient normally connects fine, but after trying to connect to Google thru the WebClient proxy property, it just isn't connecting properly. Here is the code that I'm working...
  10. A

    Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows vb

    am getting the folowing error Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows and i have no idea why it's happening it's happening in else part.!!please need help no idea why it's happening Using ta As New dsUsersTableAdapters.wsm_Contact_UserTableAdapter...
  11. J

    Unable to download file from https server

    Hello Everyone, I download file from my website using url https://www.example.com/abc.txt and through my.computer.network.downloadfile command. However it is working fine in all version of Windows except XP. In Windows XP it gives error connection was closed by server. What can I do ? How to...
  12. G

    Question Can I use SQLITE with Reportviewer

    I have used SQL Server to create an local database in a vb.net application. SQL are giving me all sorts of headaches. I want to migrate to SQLITE. My Questions is can I still use ReportViewer in my application with SQLITE ?
  13. D

    Calling SQL stored proc from web app - SP runs but does not update

    I am attempting to update a SQL 2008R2 database from a VB.NET web page, and it appears the SQL stored proc is executing properly, but absolutely nothing is being updated. I have run debug and there are no errors on the VB side, and the SP runs fine within SQL. I fully admit to being rather new...
  14. G

    Question reports does not show external image

    I have the following code to generate a report. The external images only shows a red x. After three days of trying everything I am about to give up as I have tried many suggestions. None are working. Dim path As String = "file:///" &...
  15. T

    HttpWebRequest Post...

    I am a member of a forum that allows for a BUY/SELL/TRADE section where I'd like to make a couple posts a week. I'd like to use the interface of my VB.NET application to post there. I learned how to login to a the Rocbattl.com forum which was pretty easy to do. Here is the login string that I...
  16. D

    Question Stored Procedure/TableAdapter and Failed to enable contraints

    I have been struggling for several days now trying to figure out why I am getting the failed to enable constraints, one or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints when running my code. I have a stored procedure in sql server, part of it below...
  17. D

    Question Trying to pass drop down value to URL for SSRS

    I have a page that the user chooses a date range, a name, and a Form type (A, B, E, T). On the basis of that, I populate a grid with the results and hyperlink a report number. When the user clicks the report number, a report is displayed. The issue is how can I insert the drop down list selected...
  18. S

    Question Updating MASTER / DETAIL Records

    Hope someone can help / point me in the right direction, as I have been looking this up for some while, and am stumped. I have VB 2010 accessing Access via the normal OLEDB connection (project data source). A Form containing MASTER/DETAIL Records - created by making a dataset from both tables...
  19. M

    Tip Collection of 26 Visual Basic Hands-on projects + Free source codes

    This book contains the implementation of 26 simple, practical and commercial programming projects in Microsoft VB. Link : Https://sites.google.com/site/itbooklets/VB The following topics have been discussed in each project : 1- Tutorial concepts of algorithms and Microsoft Visual Basic...
  20. T

    scrape html table - question...

    Say I have a table that will always contain RANDOM DATA (various product titles, prices, & ratings in no particular order). I noticed that sometimes either the "Price:" column or "Rating" column won't always have a value. So when I'm scraping multiple items into an array & sending each column...