
  1. sjt62349

    Question Selected Text must be stored somewhere in Windows. WHERE?

    When text is selected in say a browser or pdf, it must be stored somewhere in the Windows OS. How do I access the last selected text in my VB Net program? Note - SendKeys + copy does not work because the VB app has control, not the last active browser or pdf.
  2. Innww

    Resolved RegEx of .txt converted from PDF (to txt)

    I am in a situation where I have to convert a PDF to a format that can be set to a DataGridView. The only Resolution I can come up with is using Itextsharp and converting the PDF to a textfile for the most part the format is kept. here is the Code to parse the text. Dim mPDF As String =...
  3. C

    Viewer control for supporting Tiff image & Pdf file

    Hi Guys, We need a image viewer control for Vb.Net to show Tiff image & Pdf files. It should not supports save and print option. We have to zoom,rotate,drag in that control. Kindly let me know about the control. Thanks in advance.
  4. A

    Question checking and merging '.pdf'-files with itextsharp

    With a vb.net tool I'm collecting emails (as file) and their attachments from outlook. The files are, as far as they are not ".pdf"-files, converted to ".pdf"-files and afterwards merged to one whole ".pdf"-file. Therefore I'm using itextsharp. My codes works basically, but far from perfect. The...
  5. R

    Question How to extract pdf from web page

    Hi, I am working on a project where i need to extract pdf information from a web page like this one: SQL For Dummies - Allen G. Taylor - Google Books I am needing the pdf information about the book so that i can present it in my application. Any advice? Thanks
  6. M

    Question PDF file size concerns for email attachment

    Hello VB.NET Forums members, This is my first post on these forums and hope I am posting in the correct section. That being said, here is my concern. I am creating a PDF document based on an html string using ExpertPDF (HTML to PDF Converter - HTML to PDF for .NET - ExpertPDF Library) and am...
  7. Neodynamic

    How to directly Print Word docs without Preview or Printer Dialog from ASP.NET

    In this walkthrough, you'll learn how to print any MS Word document (*.doc; *.docx) from an ASP.NET website to the client printer without displaying a print dialog. You'll be able to print the Word doc to the Default client printer as well as to any other installed printer at the client...
  8. Z

    Question How to retrieve .pdf file from varbinary(max) colunm

    Here is my issue, how do I retrieve a .pdf from varbinary(max) colunm using VB.Net I was able to save to sql using: Dim pdf As String Dim pdfByteArray As Byte() Dim lLenPdf As Integer = Len("C:\pdfFile.pdf") Dim mypdf(100000)() As Byte Dim numBytes As Long =...
  9. J

    C# / VB.NET Word component - GemBox.Document 2.1 Released

    GemBox Software has released a new version of GemBox.Document - C# / VB.NET Word component for easy and efficient Word document processing in .NET without Microsoft Word. GemBox.Document 2.1 supports DOCX reading and writing and adds a new functionality of writing / creating PDF, XPS and image...
  10. S

    View SharePoint PDF Documents without Installing any PDF Viewer

    What is new in this release? We are pleased to announce new release of Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint 1.1.0. This version of Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint allows the users to. view SharePoint PDF documents using built-in PDF viewer without installing any PDF reading software. This release includes...
  11. Neodynamic

    How to insert or stamp high quality barcodes into existing PDF files using iTextSharp

    How to insert or stamp high quality barcodes into existing PDF files using iTextSharp and C# or VB.NET Prerequisites Neodynamic Barcode Professional SDK 3.0 for .NET (or greater) iTextSharp dll from iTextSharp | Download iTextSharp software for free at SourceForge.net Microsoft .NET...
  12. J

    Question Embedded PDF throwing error.

    Hi all, I've developed a web application that in part takes a PDF uploaded by a user, saves it off to a shared folder on another internal server, and then displays that PDF to the user inside of the web browser as an embedded object using an ASP literal control. All users and servers are within...
  13. S

    Question Export Crystal Report to PDF file - causes CR Params Dialog Popup in CmdLineApp

    Command Line Project: Export crystal report to file in pdf/excel/word format & optionally email it. Command line args incl input parameters for the crystal report. VB6 being converted to VB.net using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. Creator has since left & I need to fix/edit the application...
  14. K

    Question WYSIWYG Form creator with .Net interface

    I am looking for a good form designer that has a separate WYSIWYG designer application to create the forms. It needs to be stand alone and not just within Visual Studio. It should allow easy creation of complex forms that can attach to a variety of datasources including text files and SQL...
  15. K

    Question Specify Filename for a PDF Print Driver

    I have an application that I use for label printing. It has a .Net interface that allows for loading of formats, attaching data, and printing. Unfortunately it does not have the ability to print to PDF directly. What I am looking for is a PDF print driver that can operate silently. I have seen...
  16. S

    Set background Color & Grid Lines in Radar Charts in Java Apps

    What is new in this release? This most recent version of Aspose.Report for Java 1.5.0 includes support for multiple chart borders; setting separate background color, grid lines, more Series and SeriesCollection objects etc. This release includes plenty of new and improved features as listed...
  17. R

    Dynamic PDF output from your .NET project with ReportLab PLUS

    Report Markup Language is an XML-style language for creating PDF documents. We've just written a sample ASP.NET project demonstrating how to use ReportLab's RML2PDF to create PDF documents from inside your .NET project. Create great looking custom dynamic PDFs from your website or application...
  18. A

    it just give me white form?

    hey guys i have designed appliction which converts unicode pdf into formatted text its project for my client when i give 400-1000 pdf it works but it makes computer hang & when i do it with single file it displays me status of conversion but when it goes to higer no of pdf at that time it just...
  19. D

    create pdf file

    I want to create a PDF file in vb.net. I have datagridview in my form, from that I need to create a PDF file. I did not like to use any external dll , is it possible to create a PDF file using micosoft API and or .net SDK. Thanks in advance Regards Delsaj
  20. mig_akira

    Export (convert) a txt file to PDF

    Hello everyone. Sorry if this is not the correct area for the question, but here goes: I must build an application that exports a simple TXT file to PDF. Actually, it will have to export DOCs, RTFs and ODFs, but for now, only txt will do. Can you guys recommend some code or article so that I...