
  1. selvamarcadu

    pdf rendering and text search

    Hi all, I am newbie in vb.net and have been involved in designing a windows application. I want to render the pdf document within vb.net form and highlight certain keywords.I read about AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF and tested it, but it does not seem to give text searching capability.I will be...
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    Converting Excel files to PDF (Directly) using Aspose.Cells

    What’s new in this release? In past, you have had to use Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Pdf for converting Excel files to PDF but now it is possible by using current version 4.7.0 of Aspose.Cells only. This version further supports: Inserting a WAV file as OLE object, reading or writing check boxes in...
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    Convert Excel XLS file to PDF

    This technical tip shows how to convert an Excel XLS file to PDF even if it contains any images or charts within it. You will be using Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Pdf libraries for XLS2PDF conversion. Please also make sure to save your Aspose.Pdf XML file on disk, not in a stream because Aspose.Pdf...
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    Aspose.Total for .NET Q4 2008 Released

    What’s new in Aspose.Total for .NET Q4 2008? This final Q4 2008 release of Aspose.Total for .NET components suite shows you a detailed quarterly summary of newly supported features and other in-time bug fixes. Let me mark some of these important features below. - Aspose.Words allows direct...
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    Convert Word documents to PDF, Print & Render Word DOCs to images

    What’s new in this release? This mega release of Aspose.Words for .NET v6.0 includes support of lots of new features. It enables you to print, rendering images and converting Word documents to PDF directly without using any other library. This release also makes sure opening and saving Word...
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    Aspose.Pdf for .NET - Released

    What’s new in this release? The recent release of Aspose.Pdf for .NET v. announces the support for PDF/A-1b to ensure reliable reproduction of visual appearance of the document. Another new feature of hyphenation based on customized dictionary is also supported. More about Aspose.Pdf...
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    Convert PDF to Word document formats with Aspose.Recognition

    What’s new in this release? Aspose.Recognition for .NET has come out of Beta and its first commercial release has been announced supporting many new features. You can download Aspose.Recognition to evaluate improved performance of converting PDF files to Word document formats. More about...
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    Aspose PDF newsletters

    What’s new in this release? In this new release – Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET v.3.1, you can import comments or annotations from PDF files or XML. Another feature for crating PDF stamp with user defined appearance is also supported. More about Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET Aspose.Pdf.Kit is a .NET...
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    Aspose.Newsletter: Convert DOC to PDF with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

    Welcome to the May 2008 issue of the Aspose Newsletter! In this month’s newsletter, we will provide some introductory information about our spotlight product: Aspose.AdHoc. We will also look at the new and exciting features offered in the recent releases of Aspose.Words, Aspose.Cells for...