vb.net and AS400 question


New member
Jan 4, 2007
Programming Experience
I have to develop a VB.net application where I download some data from an IBM system I(AS400) to
interface with some Microsoft products. The data from the system i(AS400) will be a list of vendors
and various data elements that will help me determine if they are the cheapest vendor. I will
need to calculate if they are a cheap vendor or not by calculating the various data elements
within vb.net application. I will then need to list the vendors from cheapest to most expensive
in a list box.

My question is what is the best way to store from the calculations the rank of the vendors as
I am processing the data? If I was on an AS400 I would use a temporary work file and spit out
the data. I'm not sure if this is possible with VB.net, or that using a data file in vb.net would
too much overhead. I read stuff about collections, and hash tables, but I don't think duplicate
keys are possible since I want my key to be the dollar amount. (I could have a few dollar amounts
the same.) Anybody got any advice???