Using Pocket PC as a remote control device


New member
Feb 2, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi all:

I may be in over my head on this one, but I'd like to write a VB app for the Pocket PC to remotely control a media app I wrote for my desktop. I need basic play, stop, pause, next, previous functionality.

What I'd like to do is map the buttons on the PPC (I'm using an IPAQ - with PPC 2003 Premium) to the buttons I have on my desktop app.

One thing I thought of was running Terminal Services on my desktop and the terminal services client on my IPAQ. But that seems a bit of overkill when all I really need to do is have six or eight buttons on the PPC that emulate the buttons on the desktop.

Right now I'm just looking for direction on what libraries will likely be required. Will I need to create a TCP socket? Use the 802.11 capabilities of the PPC, the Bluetooth?

I have a couple years of experience writing VB.NET apps, concentrating on graphics or local XML files as simple databases. I'm considering this exercise an educational, not business challenge. But at the moment I near clueless as to where I might start.

TIA for any help.