User-Interface: Outlook-Clone


New member
May 14, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi all,

on there is a sample for building user interface like outlook. It was programmed by Joe Stegman. But it was build with C# :( . It looks very good.
Has anybody converted it to I'am very interested in it.

Thanks in advance
Have you actually looked at the code? C# is not so different from VB.NET that a decent VB.NET programmer can't decipher the vast majority of it. Does :
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {}
look so different to:
For i As Integer = 0 To 9 Step 1

Next i
that you couldn't make a fair stab at converting it? Plus there are various code converters available on the Net that will do a pretty good job of converting most code. If you're not using an Express IDE you can even create your own add-in that will allow you to use those converters in VS. Any issues you come across you can ask. It would be a very good exercise in understanding code from another source, rather than just using it.
Hi jmcilhinney,
thanks for your answer. I've tried to convert it by myself. I've used several converters. But no one has changed the code so that it was useable.
So I tried "per hand" but i'am a newbie in and I've no experience with C#. Your example is quit easy. But the code for the outlook-clone ist a little bit harder!
I won't only using the code, i would understand it. Without understanding C# i can not transfer it to In the moment i've no time left to learn another programming language.

Thanks jsd
You should convert the code one method or property at a time. You use a converter to convert that one method and then you try to fix whatever errors it contains, asking on forums if you have an issue. It's possible that someone has already converted it but I wouldn't hold my breath.
My advice, download a copy of 'Reflector' compile the program then disassemble it with the reflector program. The conversion to will not be exact and i doubt it will compile with out any adjustments. But it will give you a fair idea of what the vb should look like.