Text File Issue


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
Programming Experience

I have a program that will read the file line automatically each of the time and get the all the result based on the text files.

So, i try to add new line in the current text file, but it failed, it does not allow me to save. Why?


**My program will keep on looping and retrieve the info based on above text files

Thanks your help.
I assume the file is not open by another application?

Can you post the code so that we can see it?

this is my coding in the TIMER
 Dim fs As Stream = File.Open(lblFileName.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
            Dim reader As New StreamReader(fs, True)
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(filePos, SeekOrigin.Begin)
            filePos = reader.BaseStream.Length
            txtContent.Text = reader.ReadToEnd
            If txtContent.Text.Length > 0 Then CrunchRecordByLines(txtContent.Text)

i will looping the same function above and get the file line information.

Because of that reason, I need to do a testing, try to open my program and open the text file above, and write some new value inside into new line.

But it cause me the above errors.

**If i close my program, the text file no problem at all and can save.

Hope you all can help.
I suggest you call reader.Dispose() before you attempt to attach a Writer to this file. I also recommedn that you close the reader before you CrunchByLines()
reader.Close() already calls Dispose(), but I don't see the lock from that code. It could be the CrunchRecordByLines method?