Standard vs. Pro version, which one to choose?


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Programming Experience
I am completely new to VB .NET. I had couple years experience with VB6 back a while ago. Now I am writing an application using VB .NET 2008. Any suggestion on which version I should purchase, pro. or standard? This is a very small project for a non-profit organization. I will prefer to save some $$ for them if all of the functions are available in Standard version.

This application is an in-house product, contains 5 to 6 forms, only 2 or 3 end users will have access.

Thank you.

Thanks all for your quick response. I decided to use standard version after reading through the comparison paper.
Thanks all for your quick response. I decided to use standard version after reading through the comparison paper.
I don't mean to sound pushy because I am trying to help. May I ask exactly what it is that the Standard edition can do that you need that the Express edition can't? It's also worth noting that anything you create in VB Express is compatible with other editions so you'd have no issues starting out with Express and upgrading to Standard or Pro later.
I'm also new ...but I'll suggest standard one to be safe.If you're not sure don't use pro if you are new.
That's not really sound advice because if you pay for Standard and then realise down the track that you need a feature only available in Pro then you will end up spending more to upgrade than if you'd bought Pro to begin with. That's why it's a good idea to start out with Express if you're not sure. It costs nothing so you can't waste any money.