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I have a simple database of 150 questions whereby Form1 is an Enquiry Screen where a QuestionNo is entered and the answer and its attributes are returned from an XML File for Display.
The XML File layout is as follows :
QuestionNo (e.g. 2.7)
Question Text (What should you do when some one faints).
AnswerSection (Health & Emergency)
AnswerSectionColor (Red) ('Colour Coded' as mentioned above)
AnswerImage (Image of a Man being tended to). JPG, BMP, etc.(importable).
AnswerHyperlink (
A second Form2 is used to maintain the 150 QuestionAnswerData.xml backend file.
The problem is that when I add or modify data in Form2 and "Save" the data in maintenance Form2, the changes are NOT displayed or reflected in Form1 the display.
I know the changes have been saved because if I totally come out of the entire application and re-launch then the newly added data is present. What I need to happen is when data is added I need a mechanism or code that will re-read the XML file data when return from Form2 to Form1.


Form2 - The Maintenance of Data
It is well to say this is an extremely cut down skeleton version of a much bigger Application which took several months and I am positively hoping I will not have to abandon this at the 11th hour so to speak.
I believe this issue not insurmountable for someone who has superior knowledge of this type of Application. It is only a question of resetting or reloading the data once back from the second Form2.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I believe there are many experts out there with far more experience than a novice like myself.
Thanks in Advance.
ps I have tried bindingSource1.ResetBindings(False) to no avail.
I have a simple database of 150 questions whereby Form1 is an Enquiry Screen where a QuestionNo is entered and the answer and its attributes are returned from an XML File for Display.
The XML File layout is as follows :
QuestionNo (e.g. 2.7)
Question Text (What should you do when some one faints).
AnswerSection (Health & Emergency)
AnswerSectionColor (Red) ('Colour Coded' as mentioned above)
AnswerImage (Image of a Man being tended to). JPG, BMP, etc.(importable).
AnswerHyperlink (
A second Form2 is used to maintain the 150 QuestionAnswerData.xml backend file.
The problem is that when I add or modify data in Form2 and "Save" the data in maintenance Form2, the changes are NOT displayed or reflected in Form1 the display.
I know the changes have been saved because if I totally come out of the entire application and re-launch then the newly added data is present. What I need to happen is when data is added I need a mechanism or code that will re-read the XML file data when return from Form2 to Form1.


Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1
Dim QuestionAnswerData As New DataSet
Dim bsQuestions As New BindingSource
Public Property DetectUrls As Boolean
Public Property SelectionIndent As Integer
Public Property SelectionHangingIndent As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
QuestionAnswerData = New DataSet
QuestionAnswerData.ReadXml(GlobalVariables.RootPath.ToString & GlobalVariables.RootXMLFileName.ToString, XmlReadMode.ReadSchema)
With QuestionAnswerData.Tables(0).Columns(0)
.AutoIncrement = True
.AutoIncrementStep = 1
If QuestionAnswerData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
.AutoIncrementSeed = QuestionAnswerData.Tables(0).Rows.Cast(Of DataRow).Max(Function(x) CInt(x(0))) + 1
.AutoIncrementSeed = 1
End If
End With
With bsQuestions
.DataSource = QuestionAnswerData
.DataMember = "Questions"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub txtb_search_question_no_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtb_search_question_no.TextChanged
Dim myColor As Color = Color.Green
Dim iColor As Integer = myColor.ToArgb()
Dim sColor As String = iColor.ToString
Dim DataViewRecord As DataView
'Search the Questions Table for the one that you want to find
Dim foundRow As DataRow = QuestionAnswerData.Tables("Questions").Select(String.Format("QuestionNo ='{0}'", txtb_search_question_no.Text)).FirstOrDefault
DataViewRecord = New DataView(QuestionAnswerData.Tables(0))
DataViewRecord.Sort = "QuestionNo"
Dim index As Integer = DataViewRecord.Find(Me.txtb_search_question_no.Text)
If index = -1 Then
'MsgBox("Question Not Found!")
Me.RichTextBox1.Text = " QUESTION NOT FOUND "
PictureBox2.Image = Nothing
Me.RichTextBox1.Text = ""
Me.txtb_hyperlink.Text = ""
Me.txtb_section.Text = DataViewRecord(index)("AnswerSection").ToString()
'------------------------- Load Answer Image -------------------------
Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream
fs = New System.IO.FileStream((GlobalVariables.RootImagesPath & Replace(Me.txtb_search_question_no.Text.ToString(), ".", "_") & ".png"), IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)
PictureBox2.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs)
'------------------------- Load Answer RichTextFile -------------------------
If DataViewRecord(index)("AnswerHyperlink").ToString() <> "" Then
Me.txtb_hyperlink.Text = DataViewRecord(index)("AnswerHyperlink").ToString()
End If
'------------------------- Load Answer RichTextFile -------------------------
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(GlobalVariables.RootRtfPath & Replace(DataViewRecord(index)("QuestionNo").ToString(), ".", "_") & ".rtf") Then
Me.RichTextBox1.LoadFile(GlobalVariables.RootRtfPath & Replace(DataViewRecord(index)("QuestionNo").ToString(), ".", "_") & ".rtf", RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BtnMaintainData_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnMaintainData.Click
End Sub
End Class
Public Class GlobalVariables
Public Shared driver_installed As Boolean
Public Shared RootPath As String = "C:\QuestionAnswer\"
Public Shared RootImagesPath As String = "C:\QuestionAnswer\Images\"
Public Shared RootRtfPath As String = "C:\QuestionAnswer\RichTextFiles\"
Public Shared RootXMLFileName As String = "QuestionAnswerData.xml"
Public Shared GlobalQuestionNo As String
End Class
Form2 - The Maintenance of Data
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form2
Dim QuestionAnswerData As New DataSet
Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim bsQuestions As New BindingSource
QuestionAnswerData.ReadXml(GlobalVariables.RootPath.ToString & GlobalVariables.RootXMLFileName.ToString, XmlReadMode.ReadSchema)
With QuestionAnswerData.Tables(0).Columns(0)
.AutoIncrement = True
.AutoIncrementStep = 1
If QuestionAnswerData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
.AutoIncrementSeed = QuestionAnswerData.Tables(0).Rows.Cast(Of DataRow).Max(Function(x) CInt(x(0))) + 1
.AutoIncrementSeed = 1
End If
End With
With bsQuestions
.DataSource = QuestionAnswerData
.DataMember = "Questions"
End With
Me.BindingSource1.DataSource = QuestionAnswerData
Me.BindingSource1.DataMember = "Questions"
Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = Me.BindingSource1
With DataGridView1
.AllowUserToAddRows = False
.AllowUserToResizeColumns = False
.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
.MultiSelect = False
.Columns(0).Visible = False
.RowHeadersVisible = False
.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Question No"
.Columns(1).Width = 60
.Columns(2).HeaderText = "Description"
.Columns(2).Width = 210
.Columns(3).HeaderText = "Section"
.Columns(3).Width = 145
.Columns(4).HeaderText = "Section Colour"
.Columns(4).Width = 90
.Columns(5).HeaderText = "Image"
.Columns(5).Width = 90
.Columns(6).HeaderText = "Hyperlink"
.Columns(6).Width = 329
End With
DataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.Font = New Font("Trebuchet MS", 8)
Dim bc As New DataGridViewButtonColumn
bc.Tag = False
bc.Text = "Delete"
bc.Name = "Delete"
bc.Width = 19
ActiveControl = DataGridView1
DataGridView1.ReadOnly = False ' Disable entire DataGridView to Read Only then set all the columns in your code as readonly.
DataGridView1.Columns("QuestionNo").ReadOnly = True ' Disable changing of Main Question ID to prevent mismatch problems.
End Sub
Private Sub btnSaveData_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSaveData.Click
QuestionAnswerData.WriteXml(GlobalVariables.RootPath.ToString & GlobalVariables.RootXMLFileName.ToString, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema)
MsgBox("Question and Answers Information Saved", vbInformation)
End Sub
End Class
It is well to say this is an extremely cut down skeleton version of a much bigger Application which took several months and I am positively hoping I will not have to abandon this at the 11th hour so to speak.
I believe this issue not insurmountable for someone who has superior knowledge of this type of Application. It is only a question of resetting or reloading the data once back from the second Form2.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I believe there are many experts out there with far more experience than a novice like myself.
Thanks in Advance.
ps I have tried bindingSource1.ResetBindings(False) to no avail.