Question Send a form over web services


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Programming Experience
Hi All,

One of the applications that I'm working on will soon be expanded to allow other developers to write components for it. These components will not necessarily be on the same server and will be accessed via web services where there is a fairly simple standard syntax that each component will take in some XML parameters as an object and return some XML which is the result which can then be displayed for users of the application.

However, I am in need of some way to allow these components to have a configuration screen that the developers can write so that users can change the properties of these components. These properties will then be sent in the XML parameters that are sent to the object.

Ideally I would like this to work over web services as well. Is it possible to send a form (developed in or c#) over web services in some way and have a .NET application at the other end pick this up and display it to the user? I've seen examples of sending XAML over web services but (in .NET 3.5 at least) these dont appear to be able to include programming logic.

Alternatively if I can't send the programming logic and I can only send the visual parts of the form can I map the form to an XML file somehow and save this as the parameters XML?

Any ideas would be most welcome and very much appreciated! :D