Question Search for specific line in a config file


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Programming Experience
I am in a bit of jam here, I am hoping their is some who know the answer to this.

I am trying to write a backup engine application for my VMware ESXi server. I am using examples of good ideas I have some across is other scripts. The problem is though I need to discover all of the drives a said VM has attached to it. My original idea was to read the VMX file and pull out the SCSI IDs that were true then locate the File Name of the given SCSI ID. But I found out the other day that the stream reader is not to seek individual lines of text out like a search query. So now I am left kinda floating a the wreckage of my previous ideas to make this idea come to life.

If anyone has any insight on to how I could overcome this I would be grateful.