No right or wrong?


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
Programming Experience

From what I remember reading in a post a while back, someone said that there are lots of ways of achieving a task or goal. Um, with VB you can do something more than one way? Ofcourse there are limits, it isn't as if you can type something that doesn't make much sense and then it does something amazing.:rolleyes:
it's an algorithm thing. There is nearly always another way of doing something. Eg, if the task was to add 1 and 1 and should produce 2, most people would have;
result = 1 + 1
but there's nothing stopping you from doing something like;
result = 1
result += 1
result = 1 + 500 + 1 - 500
...and so on. Needless to say the example above is kind of pointless but you get the idea that there is more than one way of doing something :)

From what I remember reading in a post a while back, someone said that there are lots of ways of achieving a task or goal. Um, with VB you can do something more than one way? Ofcourse there are limits, it isn't as if you can type something that doesn't make much sense and then it does something amazing.:rolleyes:

Yes, there are many ways of achieving most things, but lets face it, if you type crap, nothing 'amazing' is going to come out of it.

It's just like saying that there are many ways of driving a car, but lets face it, doing it with your teeth is probably not a good one.
I'd temper that by saying that sometimes you have to try go past the accepted boundries of the possible to truly know what is impossible. In other words, it's sometimes worthwhile to try something crap to fully understand why it's crap. There's always the possibility that you will find a way to tweak it so that it works too.

"I have no use for a man who already knows what is possible" - Leonard of Quirm, The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett