Network Game


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi there,

I am learning VB.Net and at the moment i am creating a game.

I want to create a network side to the game, but i don't know where to start.

Can anyone give some input on where to start and what to use.

Just a heads up, but networked applications are a bit of big step if your just learning now (assuming no previous languages).

But, if your interested, one way would be to setup a TCPListener and a TCPClient in the application. When run each instance of the game would be able to send and recieve data to other instances given their IP.

As for sending the data between the clients, I don't know what type of game it is, but likely you can store the data in a class and pass that class to the other client who will act upon its data. To achieve this, you can use a Binary Formatter and Serialize the class into your network stream on the sending client, and Deserialize on the recieving client.
Thanks for your response.

This is my first Windows based language (delved into and a bit though). I am very good at PHP so i know the constructs.

I feel confident that is the right time to make the step.

Yes i will probably be storing the information in arrays and sending the data that way between clients.

Thanks for all the links, i better get reading.
Sounds good then. Best of luck on your start and be sure to post back here with questions.

The network stuff is, IMO, one of the more interesting subjects of programming and, again IMO, there's no better 'beginning' place than VB for simple networked application s. (Specifically with the advent of .NET 2.0)