method for loading tabs on a form in the background?


New member
Nov 29, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi, I've got a form that has a lot of fields in it. The initial tab that you see when the form is shown takes no time to load, but switching over to the "details" tab takes a few seconds. It seems to take just as long on my 3ghz p4 with 2gb of ram as it does on a much slower computer.

The data that populates the controls of the two tabs is bound to a bindingsource since much of the data is shared and the details page is merely a big calculator for vs/mc rates.

I'm not sure if it's the textboxes taking a long time to draw or what. Once it's been loaded for the first time the user can switch back and forth with no delay, but the initial wait is a pain.

Is there a way I can draw (or load, whatever the problem is) the textboxes on the hidden tab while the user is entering data on the main tab so they won't encounter a delay when they switch over to it?

How many records (estimate) for your second tab? I personally do not encourage to load all the data and display on the form, just try to filter and show needed data in the datagridview. If I really need to load so many records, I will use the "paging" method and this is depends on the database functionality.
I'm not using a dgv b/c of the way the data needs to be presented and it's only showing data for one customer at a time but there are about 50 fields that get populated from the bindingsource. These get loaded with no delay when the form loads so the delay is not due a large a dataset or server-client issue.