Merge form.Designer.vb into form.vb


Feb 23, 2012
Programming Experience
I am developing an application using VB 2008. I have three forms say Form1, Form2 and Form3, the application codes are in files Form1.vb, Form2.vb and Form3.vb respectively. I have managed to merge all the three .vb files in one .vb file, MainForm1.vb.
Going one step further, I was wondering if I can merge the Designer codes into that MainForm1.vb file and still be able to edit the UI on the IDE ?

Would appreciate your help
Designer code needs to be in the designer code file. What you see in the designer code file is generated as a direct result of your actions in the designer. Any changes you make to the designer code will also be reflected in the designer. If you do something in the designer code that cannot be parsed by the designer then your form will no longer display in the designer. Basically, if you know what you're doing then you could merge the designer code files by hand but it would be error-prone and more trouble than it would be worth. Just copy and paste the controls and then wire-up the event handlers again afterwards if necessary.