Resolved MemoryStream truncating input?


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Programming Experience
Hello, I am working on a sub that essentially needs to open a text file, and replace all instances of a certain character with a unicode character.

I'm trying to do this by reading the original text file byte by byte, converting it to a character, and then either adding that character to a memory stream or writing the unicode character to the memory stream. Then I'm saving the memory stream to the original file.

Everything is working correctly except the last few lines of the file are always missing. I have tried setting my StreamWriter to a FileStream instead of a MemoryStream and it saves the whole file that way, so I believe it is an issue with the MemoryStream. From what I've read its capacity should be expandable by default and I don't have any experience with them so idk what else would cause this.

I am using VS2003 and this method is being called by an ASP page if that has anything to do with it.

The text file is 40-100KB.

    Sub newBar(ByVal path As String)
        Dim fs As FileStream
        Dim sr As StreamReader
        Dim ms As MemoryStream
        Dim sw As StreamWriter

        Dim strLine As String
        Dim strChar As Char

        Dim charBytes() As Byte
            fs = New FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)   	'fs is a filestream to the
            					     	'existing report
            ms = New MemoryStream     	'ms is a chunk of memory to save a copy of 
            				'the file before we over write the original
            sw = New StreamWriter(ms, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode) 'sw is used to 
            							    'write to ms in

   While fs.Position < fs.Length
                strChar = (ChrW(fs.ReadByte))   'read each char
                If strChar = "*" Then           'if it is the escape char
                    sw.Write(ChrW(&H25A0))      'write a black square
                    sw.Write(strChar)           'otherwise write the original char
                End If
            End While


            fs.Close()  'close the original report file
            fs = New FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)'re-open file in filemode.create
            						'(overwrite existing)

            ms.WriteTo(fs)  'over write existing file with new file.
            fs.Flush()      'make sure all data is saved before closing file


            'clean up
            sw.Close()  'close stream writer
            ms.Close()  'close memory stream
            fs.Close()  'close file
        End Try

    End Sub
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Oh btw I know there is an empty catch. I just haven't implemented it yet. I HAVE tried the function with the try catch lines commented out to make sure it isn't blowing up anywhere and it still does the same thing (no exceptions thrown).
I posted that i reproduced the error without memorystream but I was wrong and it wasn't still doing the same thing
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Sorry I'm stupid, the missing lines were already missing at the time that this sub loaded the text file. Hope i didn't waste anyones time

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