Resolved Wanting to add to XDocument to make more than one "entry" on a single write...


Dec 6, 2021
Programming Experience
Wanting to add to XDocument to make more than one "entry" on a single write...

I think I am missing something here, not sure I understand how to do this.

I have some snippit code I massaged and got working fine, but when I add line ??? I get:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error BC30452 Operator '+' is not defined for types 'XDocument' and 'XDeclaration'. vb-forms-dotnet 3.5 - xml 1 F:\VisualStudio\2015\vb-forms-dotnet 3.5 - xml 1\vb-forms-dotnet 3.5 - xml 1\Form1.vb 308 Active

I would appreciate insight on how to add another element with one write using LINQ, I had a hard enough time finding code that works just to write one element.

Line 6 is the line I added and then got the posted error.:
      ' used in original code, not used here  Dim empNM As XNamespace = "urn:lst-emp:emp"

        Dim xDoc As New XDocument(New XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-16", Nothing), New XElement("Employees", New XElement("Employee", New XComment("Only 3 elements for demo purposes"), New XElement("EmpId", "5"), New XElement("Name", "Kimmy"), New XElement("Sex", "Female"))))

        ' try to add another element
        xDoc = xDoc + (New XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-16", Nothing), New XElement("Employees", New XElement("Employee", New XComment("Only 3 elements for demo purposes"), New XElement("EmpId", "5"), New XElement("Name", "Kimmy"), New XElement("Sex", "Female"))))

        Dim sw As New System.IO.StringWriter()
        Dim xWrite As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sw)

        ' Save to Disk
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I got this edited and resolved errors during edit, but generated run time error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Xml.Linq.dll

Additional information: This operation would create an incorrectly structured document.

Line 2 throws the run time error:
    ' try to add another element
        xDoc.Add(New XElement("Employees", New XElement("Employee", New XComment("This is my own comment"), New XElement("EmpId", "67"), New XElement("Name", "Shazam"), New XElement("Sex", "Male"))))
Here is what I am getting without adding line 6 in my original post, a well formed XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <!--Only 3 elements for demo purposes-->

This is what I was hoping to achieve with the addition of line 2 in the above post.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <!--Only 3 elements for demo purposes-->
    <!--This is my own comment-->

By the way, thank you for your time.
These help pages should be useful: XML - Visual Basic
You'll see simpler ways to create, access and modify xml documents with literals. Browse through them to get a feel for working with xml using these tools.
Typically you create a new document and save it (or send it somewhere). Later load it (or get from womewhere), access some elements to modify them or add/remove them, then save again.
As remark in XDocument help page says, you don't typically create a document like you are trying, but instead build from XElement (with or without using xml literals).
In the case where you have the first document in post 4 and want to add another Employee you typically load the document, select the root (or whatever element(s) you want to manipulate) and add another XElement to it, then save.
A quick sample how I would do this:
Dim id = 5, name = "Kimmy", sex = "Female"
Dim element = <Employees>
                      <EmpId><%= id %></EmpId>
                      <Name><%= name %></Name>
                      <Sex><%= sex %></Sex>
Dim filename = "sample.xml"
Note the xml is pure structural, I've used variables for the actual data.
The xml declaration with encoding is automatically added. Standard encoding is Utf-8. If I for some reason wanted Utf-16 (Unicode) I would save like this:
Using writer As New IO.StreamWriter(filename, False, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode)
End Using
Loading, adding a new element to root, saving again:
id = 67 : name = "Shazam" : sex = "Male"
Dim doc = XDocument.Load(filename)
                 <EmpId><%= id %></EmpId>
                 <Name><%= name %></Name>
                 <Sex><%= sex %></Sex>
That worked a treat!

The only thing I couldnt figure out was how to add a comment.

Added elements to exisiting XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <!--Only 3 elements for demo purposes-->

using this code:
tweaked code:
        Dim id As String = "67"
        Dim Name As String = "Shazam"
        Dim sex As String = "Male"
        'Dim comment As String = "This is a new comment"
        Dim filename As String = "F:\VisualStudio\DevResources\LINQxml-1.xml"

        Dim doc = XDocument.Load(filename)
                         <EmpId><%= id %></EmpId>
                         <Name><%= Name %></Name>
                         <Sex><%= sex %></Sex>
When I try to add a comment, I get this as the output:
    <!-- <%= comment %> -->

here is where I added the comment line, evidently I need to use an escape sequence??

        Dim id As String = "99"
        Dim Name As String = "Balto"
        Dim sex As String = "Male"
        Dim comment As String = "This is a new comment"
        Dim filename As String = "F:\VisualStudio\DevResources\LINQxml-1.xml"

        Dim doc = XDocument.Load(filename)
                         <!-- <%= comment %> -->
                         <EmpId><%= id %></EmpId>
                         <Name><%= Name %></Name>
                         <Sex><%= sex %></Sex>
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Which means you can do this:
Dim element = <Employees>
                      <!-- comment -->
                      <EmpId><%= id %></EmpId>
                      <Name><%= name %></Name>
                      <Sex><%= sex %></Sex>
Dynamic content (see remarks) means using XComment element, for example:
element...<Employee>.First().AddFirst(New XComment("dynamic comment"))
I tried that, just put it in the code as raw "<!-- This is a comment -->", but I would like to replace "This is a comment" with a string but I cant figure out how to do that
I already showed you how to add comment with "dynamic content", that string is VB code that can be replaced with a variable.