Question Marketing Emial System


Jan 9, 2010
Programming Experience
Hello All

I built as email marketing system a while ago and I have been asked to add a feature that should have been there from the start really.

OK i have a structure that holds a list of IDs, Email address and Departments

when the end user goes and presses the email button the for each statement goes though each Item in the structure (Except the first) and pings off a HTML email.
This is stored in a Form as the user has had to pick the email template from a list.

The code is below but as you can see if a message fails, fro any reason the rest of the list gets missed and exit sub!!!
How can i say

if smtp.message.fails then
'add addess to a report list so that the users has a message to show failed message
and continue with the for each statment rather than exit sub
end if

For mdlvariables.EmailCouter = 1 To UBound(emaillist)

If emaillist(EmailCouter).emailAddress.Contains("@") Then

Dim localdecodestring As String = EmailDetailsChange(myDecodedString, localEventName, localEventType, LocalEventLocation, localEventdate, localEventTime)
'Dim localdecodestring As String = myDecodedString.Replace("[*Name*]", StrConv(emaillist(EmailCouter).emailName, VbStrConv.ProperCase))

Dim message As System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
Dim smtp As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("Ourserver",Ourport)

message = New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(tbFrom.Text, emaillist(EmailCouter).emailAddress, tbSubject.Text, localdecodestring)
message.IsBodyHtml = True

' add a stamp to say when it was sent
Dim sqlInsert As SqlCommand = sqlconn.CreateCommand
sqlInsert.CommandText = "Insert into EmailTracking ([ContactID],[EmailTemplateID],[SentTime]) values" & _
"('" & emaillist(EmailCouter).ContactID.ToString & "','" & localEmailID & "','" & Format(Now.ToString).ToString & "')"
End If


MsgBox("Emails Sent")

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error" & vbNewLine & RN & vbNewLine & StrConv(emaillist(emailcouter).emailName, VbStrConv.ProperCase) & vbNewLine & ex.Message)
End Try
Try-Catch each email within the loop, rather than the whole loop.

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