Question making a 2D Side Scroller, Combat System and Shooting Mechanism..


New member
Feb 22, 2015
Programming Experience
Hello everyone,

I am trying to make a 2D Side Scroller and I am confused on how to make the shooting mechanism I am also confused on how to make the combat system.
I want to make it so whenever you press "A" you shoot and I want to make it so enemies can either shoot at you or slice you with swords or something along those lines.
If anyone could help me that would be amazing. Please help ASAP!

Thank you,

Sincerely WhiteNoseJeffrey
If you want to do something when a key is pressed then you handle the KeyPress event of the appropriate control(s). As for the rest, you might want to put a bit more thought into things because you're not providing any information at all with regards to what you've tried to do programming-wise. If you haven't actually tried anything then it's a bit early to be asking questions.