intranet chat application... need suggestions.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Programming Experience
hi all,

i'm planning on developing an intranet chat application using windows forms with on a Win2K platform. the appliation will be like that of the yahoo messenger where everyone can create a chat room, send a private message to others. it should have a list of users connected like the yahoo messenger.

i may need some suggestions on what to use in order to build these. i've been doing some reading. it seems that there are many ways i can do this.

1. Sockets
2. .Net Remoting
3. Peer to Peer/ Peer Channel

not sure if there's many more. can someone suggest what would be the best thing to use in my situation.

Also you probably want a function that each B can run on A to see which people are logged in so you can populate a list in each B to send private messages to.

If you want to maintain multiple chatrooms, then you can do functions to create a chatroom, join a chatroom, view the list of chatrooms and leave a chatroom (when the last person leaves, you should destroy it, or if you code it carefully you can probably leave it for GC to do).