Question Hide/Show console window

Bryce Gough

Active member
Mar 8, 2011
Perth, Australia
Programming Experience
Hey Guys,

I've been looking everywhere and I am really stuck on this one small problem...
I need to be able to hide/show the console window during runtime. I can't change my console application to a window forms application because it messes up my code and I'm pretty sure you still can't show the window when you are doing that..
I just need some help in coding 2 functions, 1 to hide the console window and 1 to show it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Bryce Gough
There are various ways to run the app hidden but I'm not aware of any way to toggle between hidden and shown. It's one way or t'other. I suppose you could run the application parented by a Form 'container' but that seems like an awfully long way round for no obvious gain. Perhaps you could be more specific about how running as a windows application 'messes up your code'?