Error in the text editor


New member
Jun 2, 2020
Programming Experience
My problem: key words aren't capitalizing in the editor. Example, if I create a variable StrEdit (as string) and then, when I type that variable in lowercase it remains in lowercase. Key words as well, like Redim, Msgbox etc . . . There aren't any errors in the actual code, but it's disconcerting when I'm so used to auto formatting.
How it may have gone wrong: In my effort to eliminate as much of the 'helpful' tools Microsoft has, like intellisense (because I kept getting a new line after hitting enter, despite checking the option never add a new line on enter). It's possible I may have been a little too thorough.
I'm using Visual Studio 2019 Community. I did reload the project.
If anyone has advice, I'd be grateful.
Thank you for your time,
In Tools - Import and Export settings - there is option to reset environment to default settings.

Text Editor - Basic - Advanced - 'Pretty Listing' is what "Recase keywords, variables, and objects to the correct case" and more. Options, Text Editor, Basic (VB), Advanced - Visual Studio

By the way, Tab key (or Space) is useful for autocompletion without line feed, and Enter for block completion.