Do you run a defragger on your hard drives?


VB.NET Forum Admin
Jun 3, 2004
Programming Experience
In reading up on defraggers for my new iMac - Apple actually says defrag is no longer needed. I've also read posts of the same for Windows as the defrag was for the days of older slower drives. I still have Diskkeeper on all my computers but I wonder if this is just a waste of resources. Do you still defrag yours?
All I run is Windows based systems.

For anything Windows 2000 (All) and older, I run CheckDisk/ScanDisk (Win95-WinME doesn't have CheckDisk) followed by Defrag once a year

For WinXP and newer, by the time I feel like I should run defrag I also feel like it's time to clean up the Program Files folder, all the user's ApplicationData folder and clean out the registry, so I format & install the whole OS (Which is every 2 or 3 years)
I regularly defragged Win 3, 95 and 98 systems I recollect. Don't think I've ever defragged the XP, maybe I should do it. Though I've reformatted and reinstalled the XP several times because of disk problems (sneaking mechanical failure), so that cleans up too. Then again it's probably due for a new Vista system this year :)
Put it this way - vista has defrag as a scheduled task out of the box.

Mechanical failure?

Time to time, I defrag.;)
Raxco PerfectDisk 8 all the way, baby!