disable screen saver?


Jul 24, 2006
Patras, Greece
Programming Experience
Now i have a couple more question to finish my project.

First of all is there any way to disable screen saver?

And second how can i make a label transparend not to form but to a AxWindowsMediaPlayer or has AxWindowsMediaPlayer an option to show a text like subtitle?
Please keep separate topics in separate threads, post moved to new thread.

Perhaps there is a registry setting for operating systems screensaver?

You should be able to set a Label transparent over WMP control. Set labels Parent property to the WMP instance, and labels Location property relative to inside the WMP bounds, and labels Backcolor property to Transparent color. That should do it.
About the screensaver, i think this will do it. But i haven't had the chance to test it yet. Let me know if it works...

Dim ScrSvrAs Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Control Panel\Desktop", True)
If CStr(ScrSvr.GetValue("ScreenSaveActive")) = "1" Then
 ScrSvr.SetValue("ScreenSaveActive", "0")
End If
JohnH said:
Please keep separate topics in separate threads, post moved to new thread.
Sorry JohnH, but i thought that i should post it there because it reffer the same project.:rolleyes:

vis781 said:
About the screensaver, i think this will do it. But i haven't had the chance to test it yet. Let me know if it works...
Now, vis781 the code works, i think.... The screensaver must run at a minute and nothing happen.
JohnH said:
You should be able to set a Label transparent over WMP control. Set labels Parent property to the WMP instance, and labels Location property relative to inside the WMP bounds, and labels Backcolor property to Transparent color. That should do it.
JohnH, i have tried it before but it show the letters behind the video, no the control.
I just tried the label myself, and it doesn't transparent (though I don't understand what you say letters behind video..) It's not that surprising since WMP is an ActiveX COM object, they live their own lives but that's another story. Sorry, you get label in front of WMP control without setting Parent, but not transparent label background.
How did you get transparent label on top of WMP control did you say? Setting the backcolor to transparent does not work.