Difference between Recordset in VB and Dataset in .net


New member
Jul 3, 2006
Programming Experience
What is the Difference between Recordset in VB and Dataset in VB.net?
Well, this is how i see these two. Above all, you suppose to figure out that RecordSet is operating in Connection Oriented Manner while DataSet object operates in Disconnected Manner (architecture) which is much more powerful regard performance of your app(s). It is mostly cuz recordset is able to hold only one table at a time while dataset is a collection of one or more tables. You can read more about it here.
However, notice that DataReader is the fastest method :D

Regards ;)

Recordset provides data one row at a time.
Dataset is a data structure which represents the complete table data at same time.
Recordset has the logic to update and manipulate data
Dataset is just a data store and manipulation is done through DataAdapters in .NET.

The main diff betwn recordset and dataset is , recordset is created in the server side so that a connection should be established every time we work on recordset but in case of dataset , it is created in the client side so that there is no need of any connection at the time of working on the dataset which makes the accessing faster.

Bharathi, when giving out information like this i feel it is important for it to be correct. Whilst what you say is essentially correct i think that it is important to point out that you are talking about a 'Datatable' not a 'DataSet' the two are often confused, but they shouldn't be as they have distinctly different roles.
A dataSet in a way is a collection of dataTables.

To be exact the dataTable is the one that actually stores the data. Everything else mentioned is accurate and correct. dataSets are found in-memory of the client computer giving the ability to disconnect from the database.
A dataSet in a way is a collection of dataTables.

Not 'in a way' that is exactly what it is.

To be exact the dataTable is the one that actually stores the data. Everything else mentioned is accurate and correct. dataSets are found in-memory of the client computer giving the ability to disconnect from the database

If we're going to be exact, it's the datarow that stores the information.
Original Post


My attempt is to always answer Newbie Questions without confusing the newbie.

I want the newbie to answer more questions after reading my reply so that they can feel they have learnt it themselves and also meet my objective of giving information in stages.

The DataRow holds the data.
A DataTable is a collection of DataRows
The DataSet is a collection of DataTables.

the Data in DataTables can come from any source, text files, XML, EXcel, SQL Server, ORacle, Access, and more.
When dealing with multiple DataTables in a DataSet, they do not have to come from the same source. You can load one DT from a CSV file, then another from SQL Server, then create a DataRelation to link the two together.
