Design Screen & Project for Common Masters


New member
Jul 4, 2005
Programming Experience
In our current system that we r designing, there are lot of masters(e.g. company master, city master, country master) that have common fields e.g. Code, Description, + 3 addl fields. Hence I will have only one table for these masters grouped by a field called mstgrpcode.
Hence I dont want to create seperate projects in (VB) for each master because that will mean lot of maintainence. I need to have only one project common to all masters.
During runtime when the user selects any master for data entry, only the caption in the screen will change. All the necessary business rules should reside within the same project.
I want the best way to design the project in .net. Also which is the best way to store attributes specific to each master e.g. Caption of labels, enable/disable controls, so that they available in form load?
Another issue is security, how can I assign rights to users for each master keeping the above aspects in mind.
Any best way to handle caching for handling the above scenario

Thanks a lot in advance for all ur replies to these questions...

hmm seem interesting tricks can be applied, try to do some of follwoing things.
1. use XML custom configuration files to store the data for labels (you can use locale also )
2.Use Facade(CompanyFacade, CityFacade,CountryFacade),Stregty pattren (to change the algos) and many more depending your buzz
3.move Presentation layer to separate which only deals with formatting (for example do look at MS Enterprise Libraries)
4.For Rights you again use configuration and each configuration will lead to some specifc roals while roals are defined in other xml ( or can be linked in same xml) which can allow u to change the rights runtime

and at the end your most of problems can be solved by using Enterprise Libraries of look at them , as wasiting time in these security and other things could take u in worng direction, so just concentrate on buzz

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