Question deployment?


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2010
Programming Experience

I m new to VB.NET. I m using VS.NET 2010. I would like to if there is a app. server that we can deploy our web service and consume this web service via client on the same machine?

I m using Windows XP.

Best Regards.
To make it clear, let me put it this way. I develop a web service. I view it in the browser. Now, if i want to consume it with a client, i need to open up another VS.NET 2010 and write down my client code. What i want to know is, if there is a possible way to deploy this service (like in Java) and there is no need to open another VS.Net 2010 to write client code.

i publish this web service on local machine and write client. I add web reference and choose from local. It finds the service but gives "server application unavailable" error!
Thanks for your reply but i have a problem using WebDev.WebServer40. When i publish webservice and then run Start /B WebDev.WebServer40 /port:7171 Path:"C:\Documents and Settings\abc\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\WebService1" . But i get an error while try to run in browser .It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
Weird that you get an IIS error and running IIS tools, since WebDev.WebServer is not at all related to IIS. I think your VS is configured to publish to local IIS and doesn't use the lightweight WebDev debugging server by default. You can probably use either.

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