deploy a project


Jan 5, 2012
Mesa, AZ, USA
Programming Experience
Using Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7. Setting up project on one machine, then attempting deployment it on another machine with Windows 7 on it:

When it comes to deployment, every time I have one to do, it is like pulling teeth! I am in file system setup, and I have a custom folder created
with DefaultLocation set at [CommonAppDataFolder]. Supposably you can use the "Common Files Folder" too, but that did not work either.

What is happening is, I have three files in this folder, and two of them copy over just fine, when I look at the ProgramData/Tachufind folder,
both of those files are in there, but no sign whatsoever of the third file! I have tried deleting and then re-copying the file back in, to no
avail. I have tried setting various properties, to see if that will change anything, to no avail. Can't Microsoft make this easier, this is

Is there another application you can use to deploy a project without losing your sanity? :uzi:
From what you've told us, all we can say is that it should work if you've done it properly. If it's not working then either you've done something wrong or something is broken. There's no way that we can do anything beyond that other than giess because you have provided such a cursory description of the situation.
Not sure exactly HOW I would need to modify the question to make it clearer: "Is there another application you can use to deploy a project without losing your sanity?"

Other than that, my post is saying that I am trying to store three files in the ProgramData folder upon installation of the program, all three files show up in the Setup
folder side, but when the installation is done, only two of the .xml files are copied over. The installer does not even seem to SEE the third file.