Create icon file with multiple icons in it


VB.NET Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 3, 2004
Lansing, MI; USA
Programming Experience
I've always had to use a program that does this stuff for me, but I'd like to just make my own program that does this. I've already got the individual bitmap images of the 3 sizes (16x16, 32x32 and 48x48) for the icon file and I usually find use some shareware program to create the icon file from the multiple bitmap images for me but I'm wondering if it's possible in .Net to create an icon file (*.ico) that contains multiple physical icons in it.

Edit: What I'm trying to achieve is:
I need 3 images in the 1 file, so when windows explorer views my exe file in list view the 16x16 image is showing, but when it's set to icon/small view the 32x32 icon is showing (same exe) or when the exe file the 48x48 icon is what's showing from the icon file. Not all 3 icon sizes showing at the same time, only 1 of the 3 from inside is showing at any time, depending on Windows. It's an application icon.

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