Question can't run program unless in same dependency folder


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Programming Experience
Hey everyone,

Hope this is the right place for this,

Using with VS 2005. When I build my project and run the .exe, it only works when it is in the same location as it's dependencies. Is there a way to have it search for the dependencies without being in the same folder?

Thanks in advance,


I would like to be able to run the program from different folders because when testing I don't want my colleagues to have to reinstall the program, or move the exe file to the folder each time I send it to them. It's just a hassle when they can't just run the exe file, since they already have an installed version with the dependencies on their computer.

jlzavitz said:
Something's wrong if you get this in output folder, with correct installation of the Office PIAs the interop files are installed in GAC, and the project reference will automatically have Copy Local property set to False. You should try to verify the Office PIA installation.

You should first try to just set Copy Local to false and build, make sure the interop file is not in output folder and try running the app, if it works that should mean PIA are installed ok, but perhaps you didn't add the reference right or maybe changed the Copy mode manually.
Thank you very much, all of your tips have helped. Changing the local property caused me to have to changed the signing, and then I changed the interop files to install in GAC as they were set to applications folder.

Everything works great,
Thanks again,

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