Camera app - Help?


Sep 2, 2022
Programming Experience
Hi, im a student, new here and new to

we have this assignment, to create camera application using webcam with the following features : crop/save/upload
i already did this, but i want to change it after seeing this in youtube and i like it and i thank him.

i tried to make it in .net and use Aforge component instead of ezVid60 and failed because the video output of Aforge in PictureBox keeps moving in front, covering the shape.
i did try to use vb6 and copy the code he use so i can understand it, but failed (invalid picture) (did try to look for fix tho), maybe because the ezVid60 do not support high-res image or something? i dont know. tried looking for similar video component and also failed.

thinking about it makes my head hurts.

ill create new from scratch, if this already exist in can someone share it in here? thank you.
There's little chance of people watching a YouTube video on VB6 to understand the problem that you didn't want to explain. If you'd like help, provide a FULL and CLEAR explanation of the problem. That includes exactly what you're trying to achieve, exactly how you're trying to achieve it, what happens when you try and how that differs from your expectations.
There's little chance of people watching a YouTube video on VB6 to understand the problem that you didn't want to explain. If you'd like help, provide a FULL and CLEAR explanation of the problem. That includes exactly what you're trying to achieve, exactly how you're trying to achieve it, what happens when you try and how that differs from your expectations.
hi @jmcilhinney . the goal is, recreate his work in (im using vb2022), but i can't find a tutorial about the same function as the one in the vb6. (or maybe it's there but missed it). so i tried to do it from scratch with similar functions: instead of ezVid60, i used Aforge. the problem that i encountered was,
1. how do i capture the image inside the rectangle shape in picturebox1 and put it in picturebox2. (ive tried looking for it, but the search result was draw a box and crop it.).
2. i cant get the shape over picturebox1, it always get behind whenever i run it and starts capturing even tho i put the picturebox1 in back. also tried putting the picturebox1 inside the panel and sending it back. also tried putting .parent code, but still no luck. im at lost.

i know that i cant solve it by my self and i was just thinking that maybe its already exists in, so i was hoping maybe someone can help me here. thank you.
This is my best thought given your description.
Capture Image from Rectangle in PictureBox1 to PictureBox2:
   Private Sub ButtonCapture_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonCapture.Click
        Dim rect As New Rectangle(50, 50, 100, 100) ' Define the rectangle area
        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height)
        PictureBox1.DrawToBitmap(bmp, New Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height))

        Dim croppedBmp As New Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height)
        Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(croppedBmp)
            g.DrawImage(bmp, New Rectangle(0, 0, croppedBmp.Width, croppedBmp.Height), rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
        End Using

        PictureBox2.Image = croppedBmp
    End Sub