
  1. Neodynamic

    How to draw and print QR Code barcode on high quality photos or images in ASP.NET

    Prerequisites Neodynamic Barcode Professional 7.0 for ASP.NET (WebControl) Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 or greater Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 or Visual Web Developer In this guide you will learn how to draw and print QR Code barcodes on high quality photos or images in an ASP.NET...
  2. M

    Question Application as an Image

    Hello everyone, What I am trying to accomplish is create an application (console i think) that once executed with the proper parameters it will return the image. So think of it like this, you open a JPG image in any photo application, it knows its a JPG image. Background of the concept. I am a...
  3. O

    How to recover image from hashcode?

    Hi Guys, I have couple of hashcode values of image. So, how do I recover image from those? Thanks in advance
  4. G

    Find section of an image within an image

    Big screen grab example Little image example Sorry for this and I really would appreciate any comments.. or help.. I am working with a home made industrial OCR recondition (but not actually OCR), and I know some of you will say 'this is better' and 'that is better' but my company's...
  5. K

    Save image area and load

    Hi! I need to load a picture and save some areas into a database (like you do it on Facebook when tag peopple into pictures). I need to save de selected area and then, in another form, show the picture and the selected areas in blue does someone have any example or clue? thank you in advance
  6. T

    Everything to Bitmap converter

    hi guys i'm making an app witch sends pics to my cellphone through a gateway and the only image format the gateway supports is Bitmap. Im getting my images through a Google image search API and a web client to download the images. the only formats i'm worried about is png gif and mabey some...
  7. O

    Opening Image Speed

    Hi, Im trying to make a win form that opens multipage tiff files. The code that im currently using is loading the image into a Image Variable (BaseImg) with the following line of code: BaseImg = Image.FromFile("Some path"). Then i iterate throught the baseimg and create a bitmap of each page...
  8. C

    Resolved Image ColorKey and ColorMatrix

    Hello everyone, first post here and looking for some guidance on what I think should be something simple, but I've been playing with it for hours getting nowhere. Perhaps I don't understand the ColorMatrix well enough, but there is almost no documentation on it, well anywhere. What I am trying...
  9. Neodynamic

    ImageDraw ASP.NET Multipage TIFF Viewer Sample

    Technologies used - Neodynamic ImageDraw (5.0 or later) for ASP.NET - Microsoft .NET Framework (2.0 or later) - Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or later / Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition or later This ImageDraw demo - which source code files can be found at the end of this page...
  10. Neodynamic

    ImageDraw ASP.NET Photo Callout Editor Sample with Yahoo UI Library (YUI)

    Technologies used - Neodynamic ImageDraw (5.0 or later) for ASP.NET - Microsoft .NET Framework (3.5 or later) - Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or later / Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition or later - Yahoo UI 2.0 This ImageDraw demo - which source code files can be found at the end of...
  11. Neodynamic

    Neodynamic ImageDraw 5.0 for ASP.NET Released!!!

    Neodynamic ImageDraw for ASP.NET is the definitive solution for professional web imaging design, exclusively developed for ASP.NET applications. ImageDraw is a set of server controls (ImageDraw, ImageDrawButton, and ImageDrawMap) which generate real time on-fly Dynamic Composite Images for...
  12. P

    Question Problem : i receive .dat files in an e-mail with embedded images. How come ?

    Hi, this is my first time here so i hope i can find some help ^^ My problem is that i'm working on a project and i have to send embedded images in an email. Here is an example of my code : Dim FicImage As New LinkedResource(chemin) Dim cle As String = Key.Substring(4, Key.Length() - 4)...
  13. Neodynamic

    How to create dynamic Folded Corners effect through ImageDraw image composition...

    How to create dynamic Folded Corners effect through ImageDraw image composition and ASP.NET Technologies used - Neodynamic ImageDraw (2.0 or later) for ASP.NET - Microsoft .NET Framework (2.0 or later) - Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2005 or later - Visual Web Developer Express Edition) In...
  14. M

    Recognize Drawing?

    Ok guys..I have a portable pc and I use it very often,Now Im making visual basic 2008 apps and is working just fine with the touch screen.I wondered how to make this things? When I draw a circle on the picturebox , I want the software to recognize it.. Just like the project shown here...
  15. C

    Image Recognition/Compare

    Im gonna make a program to a webbrowser game. There is a captcha, there with pictures of cars. i need to compare these two pictures and i want the result of equalnes in PERCENT. So if the picture are 75% equal then it click on the picture. 1. 2.
  16. X

    Image losing PropertyItems when adding to ImageList

    I'm stumped... As soon as an Image with PropertyItems is put into the ImageList, it appears to lose that data. Anyone know why this is happening and how to resolve it? ' il is of type ImageList; img is of type Image. MsgBox(img.PropertyItems.Length) ' Length = 68 il.Images.Add(img)...
  17. Max D

    AccessImagine - make inserting pictures in your app or DB easy

    You often need users to provide some pictures to your application – even if it is not database-driven. Its quite time-consuming task to develop a good functionality for end users – and you leave it at some basical stage (like “press-a-button...
  18. I

    Question Dynamic image load

    Hi All, I have a web page that accepts parameter and based on the parameter value it displays the image(Image is saved in project images folder with parametername.jpg) Now what i am doing is, i am reading that parameter from query string and assigning it to a hidden value. then on aspx page i...
  19. S

    Copying an image of a picturebox

    Hi this one should be (I hope) easy to solve. I'm trying to take a copy of a picture on another picturebox using drawimage, where am I going wrong? (I'm almost certainly doing something silly here. Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As...
  20. S

    Slowness with Large Images

    Hi guys and gals. I'm a new member and also a bit of a newbie at VB.NET. I'm working in Visual Basic 2008 Express and I'm having some graphic problems. I won't post any code just yet in case it's a known issue with a known solution (which I suspect it is)... But I'm writing a scrolling list...