Hello there. What I am breaking my teeth on right now is this: I have a simple database application that shows data using a datagridview. This control is bound to a DataView (so I can apply filtering). The Dataview is bound to a DataSet which is then filled from a DataAdapter using Fill method...
Good evening,
Im having a little project, and it consist in taking the table in this website:BPI Investimentos - Cotações Indexantes to a DataGrid in vb.net
Can someone help me please?
Using a Linq statement to select objects from a custom collection
Private Items As New Generic.List(Of T).
The funtion is as follows...
Public Function AllChildren() As Generic.IEnumerable(Of T)
Dim Query = From Child As T In Items Select Child
Return Query.ToList
Am not sure if this is the place to post this question but here goes. I have an application with 3 tier architecture. From my understanding i have a data access layer that get and updates database. Business layer has the rules and imports the DAL. The presentation layer imports just the...
I'm just starting development with Visual studio 2008 and VB.Net (as in Yesterday). and I'm getting thrown in at the deep end, I'm writing a front end to access a SQL Server 2005 database which is monitoring a whole load of log on sessions and various other data, I want to display the data in a...
I'm trying to modify the listview to have similar databinding behaviour to a datagrid with the added bonus of having the ability to group by a column in the datasource.
Below is the code I have developed so far. The only problem is that this code only binds to a datatable. I'd like to be able...
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