
  1. B

    DataGrid refreshing

    Hello there. What I am breaking my teeth on right now is this: I have a simple database application that shows data using a datagridview. This control is bound to a DataView (so I can apply filtering). The Dataview is bound to a DataSet which is then filled from a DataAdapter using Fill method...
  2. Z

    Question Connecting DataGridView to a site table

    Good evening, Im having a little project, and it consist in taking the table in this website:BPI Investimentos - Cotações Indexantes to a DataGrid in Can someone help me please?
  3. kkemerait

    Linq over entities DataGridView - no Display

    Using a Linq statement to select objects from a custom collection Private Items As New Generic.List(Of T). The funtion is as follows... Public Function AllChildren() As Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Dim Query = From Child As T In Items Select Child Return Query.ToList End...
  4. D

    Question Assign datasets to grids in 3 tier architecture

    HI, Am not sure if this is the place to post this question but here goes. I have an application with 3 tier architecture. From my understanding i have a data access layer that get and updates database. Business layer has the rules and imports the DAL. The presentation layer imports just the...
  5. G

    working out total log on time for display in a datagrid

    I'm just starting development with Visual studio 2008 and VB.Net (as in Yesterday). and I'm getting thrown in at the deep end, I'm writing a front end to access a SQL Server 2005 database which is monitoring a whole load of log on sessions and various other data, I want to display the data in a...
  6. H

    Question Apply databinding to inherited control

    I'm trying to modify the listview to have similar databinding behaviour to a datagrid with the added bonus of having the ability to group by a column in the datasource. Below is the code I have developed so far. The only problem is that this code only binds to a datatable. I'd like to be able...