Search results for query: *

  1. WellsCarrie

    Running "NET USE" Commands Inside VB.Net

    Here is my situation... I have to read a .csv file produced on a Unix box. Any number of people may run this app from the server. (depends on who is on call that night). I want to be albe to: - Check to see if the drives are mapped. -If not run the NEW USE Command and map them -Continue with...
  2. WellsCarrie

    Writing to blank word doc...

    found My own answer... After giving it a little thought over lunch... I found my answer here: In case any others get this sumbling block.... My primary problem was...
  3. WellsCarrie

    Writing to blank word doc...

    Resolved - Writing to blank word doc... OK, I need to write some text to a blank word document. I know how to write to a word template and how to select and change text in a previously created document.... but I'm not having any luck writing new text to a new blank document... I am hoping you...
  4. WellsCarrie

    Defaulting the install Path...

    Bless you! This will remove 6 lines in my setup directions! THANK YOU!
  5. WellsCarrie

    Defaulting the install Path...

    OK, I want to set the default install path of my project to "c:\Program Files\DragTagPrint\". Currently when I run the Setup Project it defaults to be "C:\Program files\Default Company Name\SetupDragTagPrint\" It doesn't even set my company name. I'm having difficulty finding information on how...
  6. WellsCarrie

    Threading in a windows service????

    Thanks for the info! For everyone's enlightenment the real problem was not proper threading. Instead it was the way in which my service was cleaning up after itself. Although I was running a “.Kill” on all the Word apps the service could find running on my machine, the memory usage of each...
  7. WellsCarrie

    Death in production...

    I just wish someone could help me. :-( I finally had to move my code from a service to windows form app. Really unhappy about that.
  8. WellsCarrie

    Death in production...

    Nate it apears to me your listener only exists for the OnStart Sub. So Once your on start has finished there is Nothing telling it to keep "Listening". I'm not positive that is Your actual problem but you might want to add a system.timers.timer to your service and have it kick off your listener...
  9. WellsCarrie

    Death in production...

    ...Sub Public Sub CheckForFiles() Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("c:\WatchFiles\") Dim fiGetFiles As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.csv") Dim fi As IO.FileInfo Try For Each fi In fiGetFiles DoProcess(fi.Name)...
  10. WellsCarrie

    Threading in a windows service????

    Thanks! your example is much easier to understand than the one I found yesterday afternoon through google. (After 6 hours of searching).
  11. WellsCarrie

    Threading in a windows service????

    I tried to that just wednesday afternoon. My problem is that I only know the proper file name while inside the "fsw1_Created" Sub. You can't pass values to delegates in v1.1 so how would you suggest I get the file name to the worker subs? I've thought of using an application string array but I...
  12. WellsCarrie

    Threading in a windows service????

    Solved - Threading in a windows service???? :confused: I have a file watcher service that picks up a file, reads some data from it, Puts the data on a word document, prints the document, and then moves the file to another directory. If only one file is droped to the watched directory at a...
  13. WellsCarrie

    Release compile of Service will not start.

    Ok I've written a file watcher service that reads a posted csv file uses some data out of it to print a Shipping Lable and then moves the file onto another folder. I've compiled, installed and started this service a good 100 times durring debugging. No problems. However, now that I've...
  14. WellsCarrie

    AddHandler Event not firing from datagrid.

    I have 2 datagrids. On each row of the first datagrid one of two fields need's to be a link that will call the sub that fills my second datagrid. I wrote the following code in the first datagrinds itemdatabound handler to add my link/event. PrivateSub dgOrders_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender...
  15. WellsCarrie

    Returning Very Large Datasets?

    What is the compelling reason to use a web service (designed primarily to handle small reoccurring data requests - Like the most current stock price for Target or the conversion rate for yen to dollars) verses a more robust windows service (or even a 3 tiered application)? I have to retrieve...
  16. WellsCarrie

    Exporting Datagrid data

    USE THIS INSTEAD Once Your datagrid has been completely databound Do This... Dim ExportData As New genData 'I have the following sub routines in thier own "general Data" vb page. ExportData.RenderGridToExcelFormat(//datagridName//, "//fielnameToSave//", //CAN BE MADE OPTIONAL OR TAKEN...
  17. WellsCarrie

    How to create a dll which will content the connection string to sql server?

    One solution to "How to create a dll which...." I have a fully complied ddl as follows: PublicClass cDataMain PublicEnum DataBaseList None Common Deal Main Ohio Other DealHist MainHist Omega Retail1 Weighted1 EndEnum PublicFunction fConnectToDB(ByVal dbList As DataBaseList, OptionalByVal...
  18. WellsCarrie

    Confused - Data Submits

    Are You rebinding the datagrid for table 3 after each update to the datagrid for table 2? from you inital description it apears your "refresh/rebind" of table 3's datagrid is not happening in the right place. I have an app similar to this and had the same problem. My fix steps were as...
  19. WellsCarrie

    how to fill datagrid by using this code..?

    Use this instead... Try 'SET UP A SQL COMMAND strSQL = "select SOCSO_id,salary_from,salary_to,Emplyr_Contrbn,Empl yee_Contrbtn from SOCSO " myConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(sConnString) Dim myCommand As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, myConnection) Dim dt AsNew DataTable Dim da As New...
  20. WellsCarrie

    case sensitive letters...

    Proper anser is to make the data base CASE sensitive! Then it won't matter how the "admin" input the information the "user" must put it in the same way. In a case sensitive database "pn1001" is NOT equal to "PN1001". You also need to make sure that the field you are searching for in your data...