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  • Users: andrews
  • Content: Threads
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  1. A

    Question split question

    I have a textfile with many lines and want to place all the words separately in an array() as string but there are different separators like " " or " " or " " , but always spaces is there a solution to split each line automatically in one time? Thanks for any resonse
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    error ? where ?

    I get always the same error in de watch mode but is there a error ? see the monitor view, thanks for any response
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    Question Listbox is not working

    When I write the coding text , Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add("nu wel") every where , I don't see anything in my listbox1 in the debugging mode. And in the properties I see nothing what can be the reason. Mystery?
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    Question how to calculate in the nth root for biginteger

    how to calculate in the nth root for biginteger ? I could not find a solution for that question Thanks for any response
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    Question diagnostic sessie

    I do calculations that need to be done quickly and I also see that the diagnostics session is active. My question is, what use is this for the user and can I stop it because this will probably reduce the speed of the calculations
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    Question imports dll

    I have a project in and a file wisaw.dll that was usefull in my old PC in 2010. But now in visual basic 2022 i want to take this in the referenties but i could not imports that in the modules Thanks for any response
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    Resolved problem

    I do not understand why in a sub i have written dim w as double dim nm as string nm = "5.2356" w = cdbl(nm) but i see in de debug that w = 5000 ? what do i wrong ? Thanks for any response
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    Question changing colors

    I am using visual basic 2022 from the visual studio 2022 and i hope that i am on the right place for this question How can i change the color of all the code text f.e. in black becaus now it is very disturbing Thanks for any response
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    changing colors in codetext

    I started with visual basic 2022 and added a button to the Then I tapped the button and came to form1.vb where I placed a function. However, the code text in that function is colored in different colors that I want to change, how to do that. Thanks for any answer
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    installing visual studio 2022

    I installed Visual Studio 2022 on my new PC (Windows 11). But what I have seen in the applications that there are two notifications, both Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio 2022 Preview. Does that mean I installed it twice? If so, can I try to delete the latter? A second problem is that I had...
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    Question twee gescheiden vensters in een lijst

    ik heb waarschijnlijk een alternatieve knop geduwd. Mijn codelijst verschijnt nu in twee vensters op twee plaatsen, maar dat wil ik niet.
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    Question buttons on my screen

    ‎Hello‎ ‎I want to place buttons on my screen and a calculated number on places.‎ ‎I do not know much about this subject.‎ ‎For example, I can place the buttons in an array where I can determine the location and location on the screen.‎ ‎It concerns about 600 buttons‎ ‎Thanks for any reply‎
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    Hi, I use a recursion and after some trials (45) I got a StackOverflowException . What to do ? Thanks for any response
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    Resolved hashset to remove items

    My question. I have hs as hashset(of integers) And always f.e. with items 57,54,51,43,28,26,5,4 , the numbers are always ordered from high to law How can I delete on the most fast way all the numbers starting from 51 to the last number Thanks for any response
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    dictionary, item ad random

    My question, can I reach ad random an item in my dictionary? And take then the value of the key of that item something like : dim n as integer =,mydic.count +1) or another way
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    Question why format changing ?

    Why do I receive another format and how can I make it good? Dim a As Double = 5.126 Dim w As String w = CStr(a) ' w = 5,126 not good I have to get w = 5.126 Thanks for any response
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    Question sorting lists

    I have a list of strings. These strings are f.e. 5,8...a,k... When I sort then 5,8... is placed before a, k... Can I sort the list so that I get a,k,...,5,8.. Thanks for any response.
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    Question power of biginteger

    To get a power of a biginteger is easy : result = numerics.biginteger.pow(bignumber,6) But how can I get the result if the power is not 6 but 0.238 , numerics.biginteger.pow(bignumber,0.238) ? Thanks for any response
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    Question big floating numbers

    It was not possible to me to get a floating number result using biginteger or using what? f.e. the division 123456789123456789123456789123456789/987654321 I want some result like 874587964569874568.36521457885476 Is it possible?
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    Question to draw polygon

    I have a array of points with coodinates (ar can have f.e. 200 points) ar(1,0) = 1 ar(1,1) = 10 ar(2,0) = 5 ar(2,1) = 15 .. .. where point1 x = 1 y = 10 point2 x = 5 y = 15 How can I draw the polygon with these points f.e. for i = 1 to ar.getupperbounds(0) ?? next g.drawpolygon(??? I can...