

Feb 14, 2006
Programming Experience
ok, I searched the forums, but came up empty. My program creates a graphic and I would like it to add each graphic it makes to a zip file of some sort(gzip,zip,rar etc..doesn't matter) though I am not sure the easiest way or even if there is an "easy" way. Any helping hands would be appreciated. I'm using VB.NET 2005 and I am aware of the IO.Compression though very confused on the proper setup of it as I am very new to programming. Thanks in advance :D
A mere month since you asked.. just cleaned some, moved to Archiving forum.

IO.Compression is for compression of streams, and you could use it to stream content to a compressed file, but it is not a zip file like you're used to.. meaning it's not the file entries that are put into the compressed file but rather the content (without the usual file references inside the 'zip'). Compressed streams are useful in many scenarios where reduced datasize is beneficial for transport or storage.

For regular zipping there exist some third-party libraries, one of them is SharpZipLib
Are you saying that zipping more than one file into a zip archive is not possible with GZipStream? (I guess that makes sense...)

Then out of curiosity, how exactly does zipping multiple files into one .zip work? I.e. if I wanted to zip an entire folder's contents, is there a standard for that? Not that I'm going to actually implement it (because as JohnH said, there are 3rd party libs to do that), but it's interesting to know these things. Maybe someone knows a good link or what I should google for?

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