windows 7 (64 Bit) Deployment


Active member
Oct 7, 2008
Programming Experience

I have compiled my app to x86 so that it will run in a 64 bit processor, the issue I am facing right now is that when I install the app in under application folder I am not able to edit the config file which is in the same folder of the exe. I think this is some kind of security issue with windows 7 can you tell me how to give admin previlages to the application ?

PS: the app runs fine when installed in a different folder other than applicaitonfolder

Your app(s) shouldn't be trying to edit config files in the program files or the program files (x86) folders, they should be stored in the user's AppData folder (which is in their profile directory).

On Vista & Win7 you have to assume the app is locked out of system areas (Windows, both Program Files, etc...) The work around is when you run the app, right click it (or the shortcut) and select Run As Administrator, type in the password (and account name if the Admin account is a different one) then the app will run with Admin rights and can read/write to anywhere on the system even though it shouldn't.
Thanks for the quick reply

The shortcut on the descktop doesnt have a run as administrator option, but I do find it in the .exe of the application, can you tell me how to enable this option with shortcuts ?
Thanks for the quick reply

The shortcut on the descktop doesnt have a run as administrator option, but I do find it in the .exe of the application, can you tell me how to enable this option with shortcuts ?
I have no clue, for security reasons it may not be possible to do that sort of thing with a shortcut in Win7.

Also if you use the app a lot, I'm sure you'll notice how tedious it is to run it as an admin every time you run it too.