Vb.net 2008 or vb.net 2005


New member
Jun 6, 2008
Programming Experience
Hey guys im a new and i want to study vb.net but i dont know which one good for starter like me . I want to learn a basic so please suggest me which one is better ?
VB 2008 is just VB 2005 with more features. Everything you learn for VB 2005 is applicable to VB 2008. In fact, pretty much everything you learn for VB.NET 2002 or 2003 is still applicable too, although there may be better ways to do some things these days. Basically (no pun intended) just get yourself VB 2008 Express and then read the most current books and/or web tutorials you can. If you buy any new books then make sure they apply to VB 2008 but if you already have some VB 2005 books they'll be fine. Web tutorials will all be OK but, if they are a bit old, there may be better ways to do certain things than the way they describe. It won't hurt you to use an old way until you learn the new though.