Using Vista's Voice Recognition to Code


Active member
Aug 31, 2007
Programming Experience

I've recently had major surgery on my shoulder. Right now I am typing using Vista's speech to text functionality. This is great and it has helped me in many ways. For example creating coursework for school.

However, it is now time for me to start coding again. I have visual studio 2008, but the speech to text does not appear to be working in it. Does anybody know how I could possibly get it working correctly so I can once again get back to developing software with my team.

Can't you just tell Vista to code it for you? :D haha
Are you aware .Net has TTS and SR support included? From framework version 3.0 there is a System.Speech library, this uses SAPI 5.3 in Vista (or SAPI 5.1 in XP). You have to add reference to this library as it is not referenced by default in new projects. Look into the System.Speech.Recognition namespace.
lol thats the plan!

About the .NET stuff... That won't let me access the VS 2008 IDE? And, I can't do much anyway in respects to coding. Are you sure there's no way to use it at all?

About the .NET stuff... That won't let me access the VS 2008 IDE? And, I can't do much anyway in respects to coding. Are you sure there's no way to use it at all?
eh, what? ...... oh, I see, you wanted to use Vista SR to control VS, I thought you wanted to code a SR aware application. :) there you go, I can't help you with Vista as I don't have that yet.