You draw on a Control's surface using the Graphics object provided by "PaintEventArgs" or this method below.
This example uses the mouse to do so:
Private _Previous As System.Nullable(Of Point) = Nothing
Private Sub pictureBox1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseDown
_Previous = e.Location
pictureBox1_MouseMove(sender, e)
End Sub
Private Sub pictureBox1_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseMove
If _Previous IsNot Nothing Then
If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height)
Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
End Using
PictureBox1.Image = bmp
End If
Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, _Previous.Value, e.Location)
End Using
_Previous = e.Location
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pictureBox1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseUp
_Previous = Nothing
End Sub